Paste #64129: Diff note for paste #64128

Date: 2020/01/14 08:00:55 UTC-08:00
Type: Diff Report

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 # +--------------------
 # |
 # | N P C   C l i c k C o m m a n d
 # |
 # | A drop-in helper for making NPCs that execute commands.
 # |
 # +----------------------
 # @author mcmonkey
 # @date 2019/08/16
 # @denizen-build REL-1700
 # @script-version 1.2
 # Installation:
 # Just put the script in your scripts folder and reload.
 # Usage:
 # Select an NPC and use command "/npccommand"
 # You can do:
 # /npccommand               - Display help info
 # /npccommand off           - Disables command running
 # /npccommand set [command] - Sets the NPC to run a specific command
 # /npccommand add [command] - Adds a command for the NPC to randomly execute
 # You can prefix commands with "player:" to execute as the player, otherwise will execute as the server.
 # Use prefix "op:" to execute the command as the player (with operator privileges).
 # Add multiple commands to execute at the same time via " - "
 # For example: /npccommand set player:summon lightning_bolt - say "shocking!" - player:summon bat
 # You can use tags. For example: /npccommand add effect give <> speed
 # Players can right-click the NPC at any time to have a command run.
 # ---------------------------- END HEADER ----------------------------
     type: assignment
     debug: false
         on assignment:
         - trigger name:click state:true
         on click:
         - foreach "<npc.flag[commands].random.split[ - ].escape_contents>" as:command:
             - if <[command].unescaped.starts_with[player:]>:
                 - execute as_player <[command].unescaped.after[player:].parsed>
             - else if <[command].unescaped.starts_with[op:]>:
                 - execute as_op <[command].unescaped.after[op:].parsed>
             - else:
                 - execute as_server <[command].unescaped.parsed>
     type: command
     debug: false
     name: npccommand
     usage: /npccommand
     description: Makes an NPC execute commands!
     permission: script.npccommand
     - if !<list[set|add|off].contains[<context.args.get[1]||null>]>:
         - narrate "<&c>/npccommand off - Disable command running"
         - narrate "<&c>/npccommand set [command] - Set the command to run"
         - narrate "<&c>/npccommand add [command] - Add a single command (to choose randomly from many)"
         - narrate "<&c>Use 'player<&co>' to run as player, otherwise runs as server. Separate multiple commands to execute at once with ' - '."
         - narrate "<&c>For example: /npccommand set player:summon lightning_bolt - say 'shocking!' - player:summon bat"
         - stop
     - if <player.selected_npc||null> == null:
         - narrate "<&c>Please select an NPC!"
         - stop
-    - if <context.args.get[1]> == "off":
+    - if <context.args.get[1]> == off:
         - if <||null> != npc_command_assignment:
             - narrate "<&c>That NPC is not a command runner."
             - stop
         - assignment remove
         - flag <npc> commands:!
         - narrate "<&a>Successfully removed command running."
         - stop
     - assignment set script:npc_command_assignment npc:<player.selected_npc>
-    - if <context.args.get[1]> == "set":
+    - if <context.args.get[1]> == set:
         - flag <player.selected_npc> commands:<context.raw_args.after[set].trim>
         - narrate "<&a>Command set."
-    - else if <context.args.get[1]> == "add":
+    - else if <context.args.get[1]> == add:
         - flag <player.selected_npc> commands:->:<context.raw_args.after[add].trim>
         - narrate "<&a>Command added."