Paste #64548: Diff note for paste #64547

Date: 2020/01/25 10:11:02 UTC-08:00
Type: Diff Report

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     type: item
     material: blaze_rod
         flags: HIDE_ENCHANTS
         nbt: way/0|id/-1
         display_name: "<green>Path Selector"
     - thorns:1
+    type: task
     type: world
         on player right clicks with path_selector:
         # Avoiding setting a null place to the selector
-        - if <context.location.block.material||air> == air :
+        - if <context.location.block.material||air> == air:
             - determine cancelled
         # Basic definitions
         - define held_item:<context.item||null>
         - define place:<||null>
         # If the item has the way
         - if <[held_item].has_nbt[way]>:
             # Which slot the item is
             - define slot:<player.inventory.find.scriptname[path_selector]>
             - if <[held_item].nbt[way]> == 0:
                 - narrate "<yellow>Point <green>0 <yellow>selected."
-                - narrate "<context.location.simple>  1, nbt=0"
-                - inventory adjust slot:<[slot]> nbt:way/<list[0/<context.location.simple>].escaped>
+                - inventory adjust slot:<[slot]> nbt:way/<list[0/<[place]>].escaped>
+                - narrate <[place]>
+                - wait 15t
+                - narrate <[held_item].nbt[way]>
+                # - repeat 20:
+                #     - playeffect effect:redstone at:<[held_item].nbt[way].unescaped.as_list.get_sub_items[2]> quantity:20 data:0 special_data:1.2|orange offset:0.0
+                #     - wait 10t
             - else:
                 - define last_key:<[held_item].nbt[way].unescaped.as_list.get_sub_items[1].highest.add[1]>
                 - narrate "<yellow>Point <green><[last_key]> <yellow>selected."
-                - narrate "<context.location.simple>  <[last_key]>, nbt!=0"
+                - define new_nbt:<list[<[held_item].nbt[way].unescaped.as_list>|<[last_key]>/<[place]>].escaped>
+                - inventory adjust slot:<[slot]> nbt:way/<[new_nbt]>
+                - repeat 20:
+                    - playeffect effect:redstone at:<[held_item].nbt[way].unescaped.as_list.get_sub_items[2]> quantity:20 data:0 special_data:1.2|orange offset:0.0
+                    - wait 10t
                 # Setting the new NBT
-                - define new_nbt:<list[<[held_item].nbt[way].unescaped.as_list>|<[last_key]>/<context.location.simple>].escaped>
-                - inventory adjust slot:<[slot]> nbt:way/<[new_nbt]>