Paste #64647: path_selector_ok

Date: 2020/01/27 11:58:57 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    debug: false
    type: item
    material: blaze_rod
        flags: HIDE_ENCHANTS
        nbt: way/0|id/<player.flag[npc_id]>
        display_name: "<green>Path Selector"
    - thorns:1
    debug: false
    type: task
    definitions: item
    - if <[item].has_nbt[way]>:
        - if <[item].nbt[way]> != null || <[item].nbt[way]> != 0:
            - while <player.has_flag[path_selection]>:
                - define path:<[item].nbt[way].unescaped.as_list.get_sub_items[2].deduplicate>
                - foreach <[path]> as:point:
                    - playeffect effect:redstone at:<[point].add[0,1,0]> quantity:20 data:0 special_data:1.2|orange offset:0.0 visibility:15 target:<player>
                    - wait 3t
    debug: true
    type: task
    definitions: item
    - define path_list:<[item].nbt[way].unescaped.as_list>
    - define location_order:<[path_list].get_sub_items[1]>
    - narrate "<aqua>Location Order :<[location_order]>"
    - define npc_id:<[item].nbt[id].as_npc>
    - narrate "<aqua>NPC ID :<[npc_id]>"
    - foreach <[location_order]> as:order:
        - define location:<[path_list].map_get[<[order]>]>
        - narrate "<red><[location]>"
        - yaml id:<player.uuid> set<[npc_id].id>.path.0.<[order]>:<[location]>
    - narrate <green><yaml[<player.uuid>].list_deep_keys[]>
    debug: true
    type: inventory
    inventory: chest
    title: "NPC Path Menu"
    size: 36
        get_wand: blaze_rod[display_name=<gold>Path selector;lore=<gray>Click to get;nbt=inv/0]
        back: grass_path[display_name=<gold>Path;lore=<gray>Click to go back;nbt=inv/0]
    - "[get_wand] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []"
    - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []"
    - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []"
    - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [back]"
    debug: true
    type: world
        on player clicks in npc_path_menu priority:2 :
        - determine cancelled
        on player drags in npc_path_menu priority:2 :
        - determine cancelled
        # on player opens npc_path_menu:
        # - if <player.has_flag[npc_id]>:
        #     - define health_menu <context.inventory>
        #     - define npc_health <player.flag[npc_id]>
        #     - define npc_max_health <player.flag[npc_id].as_npc.health_max>
            # Change the name of the beetroot to match how much life does the NPC have
        #     - if <[npc_health]> < <[npc_max_health]>:
        #         - inventory adjust d:<[health_menu]> slot:23 "display_name:<gold>Health <red><[npc_health]><gold>/<green><[npc_max_health]>"
        #     - else:
        #         - inventory adjust d:<[health_menu]> slot:23 "display_name:<gold>Health <green><[npc_health]><gold>/<green><[npc_max_health]>"
            # Fill with poppies the amount of health it have
        #     - repeat <[npc_health].mul[7].div[<[npc_max_health]>].round_down> as:slot:
        #         - inventory set d:<[health_menu]> o:poppy slot:<[slot].add_int[10]>
        #         - define slot_filled <[slot].add_int[10]>
            # Fill with wither_roses how much health does it lose
        #     - repeat <[npc_health].mul[7].div[<[npc_max_health]>].sub[7].abs.round> as:slot:
        #         - inventory set d:<[health_menu]> o:wither_rose slot:<[slot].add_int[<[slot_filled]>]>
        on player clicks grass_path in npc_path_menu priority:1 :
        - if <context.item.has_nbt[inv]>:
            - inventory open d:npc_editor
        on player clicks blaze_rod in npc_path_menu priority:1 :
        - if <context.item.has_nbt[inv]>:
            - if !<player.has_flag[npc_id]>:
                - narrate "<red>Select an NPC to use it."
                - stop
            - narrate "<yellow>Use the <green>Right Click <yellow>to mark one point path and the <green>Left Click <yellow>to remove it."
            - narrate "<yellow>When you are done you may drop the <aqua>Path Selector<yellow>."
            - give path_selector
            - inventory close
    debug: true
    type: inventory
    inventory: chest
    title: Do you want to end the selection ?
    size: 27
        yup: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE[display_name=<green>YES;lore=<gray>Click to select;nbt=inv/0]
        nope: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE[display_name=<red>NO;lore=<gray>Click to select;nbt=inv/0]
    - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []"
    - "[] [] [yup] [] [] [] [nope] [] []"
    - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []"
    type: world
        on player clicks in waypoint_yes_no_inv priority:2:
        - determine cancelled
        on player drags in waypoint_yes_no_inv priority:2:
        - determine cancelled
        on player closes waypoint_yes_no_inv:
        - if <player.has_flag[path_selector_backup]>:
            - define path_selector_backup <player.flag[path_selector_backup].as_item>
            - flag <player> path_selector_backup:!
            - give <[path_selector_backup]>
            - inventory close
        - else:
            - inventory close
        on player clicks LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE in waypoint_yes_no_inv:
        - if <context.item.has_nbt[inv]>:
            - define path_selector_backup <player.flag[path_selector_backup].as_item>
            - flag <player> path_selector_backup:!
            - flag <player> path_selection:!
            - run path_selection_waypoint def:<[path_selector_backup]>
            - inventory close
        on player clicks RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE in waypoint_yes_no_inv priority:0 :
        - if <context.item.has_nbt[inv]>:
            - if <player.has_flag[path_selector_backup]>:
                - define path_selector_backup <player.flag[path_selector_backup].as_item>
                - flag <player> path_selector_backup:!
                - give <[path_selector_backup]>
                - inventory close
            - else:
                - inventory close
    debug: false
    type: world
        on player right clicks with path_selector:
        # Avoiding setting a null place to the selector
        - if <context.location.block.material||air> == air:
            - determine cancelled
        - determine passively cancelled
        # Basic definitions
        - define held_item:<context.item||null>
        - define place:<||null>
        # If the item has the way
        - if <[held_item].has_nbt[way]>:
            # Which slot the item is
            - define slot:<player.inventory.find.scriptname[path_selector]>
            - if <[held_item].nbt[way].unescaped.as_list.get_sub_items[2].contains[<[place]>]>:
                - narrate "<red>You can't put two points on the same place."
                - stop
            - if <[held_item].nbt[way]> == 0:
                - narrate "<yellow>Point <green>0 <yellow>selected."
                - inventory adjust slot:<[slot]> nbt:way/<list[0/<[place]>].escaped>
                # Setting Definitions
                - define held_item:<player.inventory.slot[<[slot]>]>
                # Playing Effects
                - flag player path_selection:0
                - run path_selection_effect def:<[held_item]>
            - else:
                - define last_key:<[held_item].nbt[way].unescaped.as_list.get_sub_items[1].highest.add[1]>
                - narrate "<yellow>Point <green><[last_key]> <yellow>selected."
                # Setting the new NBT
                - define new_nbt:<list[<[held_item].nbt[way].unescaped.as_list>|<[last_key]>/<[place]>].escaped>
                # Inserting NBT data
                - inventory adjust slot:<[slot]> nbt:way/<[new_nbt]>
                # Setting definitions
                - define held_item:<player.inventory.slot[<[slot]>]>
                # Playing effects
                - flag player path_selection:0
                - run path_selection_effect def:<[held_item]>
        on player left clicks with path_selector:
        # Avoiding setting a null place to the selector
        - if <context.location.block.material||air> == air:
            - determine cancelled
        - determine passively cancelled
        - ratelimit <player> 20t
        # Basic definitions
        - define held_item:<context.item||null>
        - define place:<||null>
        # If the item has the way
        - if <[held_item].has_nbt[way]>:
            # Which slot the item is
            - define slot:<player.inventory.find.scriptname[path_selector]>
            - if <[held_item].nbt[way]> == 0:
                - narrate "<yellow>There's no point selected."
                - stop
            - else:
                - define path:<[held_item].nbt[way].unescaped.as_list>
                - if <[path].get_sub_items[2].contains[<[place]>]>:
                    - define the_point:<[path].map_find_key[<[place]>]>
                    #Check if is the first point or not
                    - if <[path].size> != 1:
                        # Setting the new NBT
                        - narrate "The Point: <green><[the_point]>"
                        # Hacky way to delete a map entry
                        - define new_nbt:<list[<[path].filter[starts_with[<[the_point]>/].not]>].escaped>
                        # Inserting NBT data
                        - inventory adjust slot:<[slot]> nbt:way/<[new_nbt]>
                        - narrate "<yellow>Point <green><[the_point]> <red>removed<yellow>."
                        - define held_item:<player.inventory.slot[<[slot]>]>
                        - flag player path_selection:!
                        - wait 15t
                        - flag player path_selection:0
                        - run path_selection_effect def:<[held_item]>
                        - stop
                    - else:
                        # Correcting NBT data
                        - inventory adjust slot:<[slot]> nbt:way/0
                        - narrate "<yellow>Point <green><[the_point]> <red>removed<yellow>."
                        - flag player path_selection:!
                        - stop
                - else:
                    - narrate "<red>No point to remove."
                    - stop
        # on player holds item item:path_selector:
        # - narrate "Hi there"
        on player clicks path_selector in inventory:
        - inject locally abuse_prevention_click
        on player drags path_selector in inventory:
        - inject locally abuse_prevention_click
        on player drops path_selector:
        - inventory open d:waypoint_yes_no_inv
        - flag player path_selector_backup:<context.item>
        - remove <context.entity>
    # Copied from the cuboid_selection_tool script made by mcmonkey
        - if <context.inventory.inventory_type> == player:
            - stop
        - if <context.inventory.inventory_type> == crafting:
            - if <context.raw_slot||<context.raw_slots.numerical_first>> >= 6:
                - stop
        - determine passively cancelled
        - inventory update