Paste #64841: Denizen Debug Logs From A Minecraft Server

Date: 2020/02/02 08:26:20 UTC-08:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_212-1-ojdkbuild
Up-time: 58m
CraftBukkit Version: git-Paper-241 (MC: 1.14.4)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.60-SNAPSHOT (Build 495), CraftBukkit: 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT (build 1700-REL)
Active Plugins (22): CoreProtect: 2.17.5, LuckPerms: 5.0.39, WorldEdit: 1.15-61;cb1fd74, SkinsRestorer: 13.7.5, 
FastAsyncWorldEdit: 1.15.2, VoxelSniper: 1.0.3-backward, AWD: 2.5.0 beta, MMOLib: 1.0.6, 
Vault: 1.7.2-b107, ProtocolSupport: 4.29-dev, Multiverse-Core: 4.1.0-b775, 
dynmap: 3.0-beta-9-250, Citizens: 2.0.26-SNAPSHOT (build 1813), Denizen: 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT (build 1700-REL), 
MythicMobs: 4.7.2-FREE, Essentials:, MMOCore: 1.1-SNAPSHOT, MMOItems: 5.3, 
WorldBorder: 1.9.10 (beta), EssentialsSpawn:, Depenizen: 2.0.0 (build 591), 
AuthMe: 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT-b2365
Loaded Worlds (7): world, world_nether, world_the_end, Hub, build, world_abisso, vuoto
Online Players (3): iPlagas(iPlagas), habbo1998(habbo1998), Grayarts(Grayarts)
Offline Players: 5
Mode: offline

17:26:12 [INFO]  Running script event 'PlayerJoins', event='player join' for script 'PLAYER_JOIN' 
17:26:12 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'PLAYER_JOIN_TaxesShowerScan' with player 'habbo1998'... 
17:26:12 [INFO] +- Queue 'PLAYER_JOIN_TaxesShowerScan' Executing: (line 5) FLAG "player" "tutorial<&co> No" ---------+ 
17:26:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <&co> with ':'. 
17:26:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='TUTORIAL'  Action/Value='SET_VALUE( No)'  flag_target='p@af5aa086-6aec-326f-8f2c-46cca42b08a1 
17:26:12 [INFO] +- Queue 'PLAYER_JOIN_TaxesShowerScan' Executing: (line 6) FLAG "player" "classe<&co> Nessuna" ---------+ 
17:26:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <&co> with ':'. 
17:26:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='CLASSE'  Action/Value='SET_VALUE( Nessuna)'  
                   flag_target='p@af5aa086-6aec-326f-8f2c-46cca42b08a1 (habbo1998)' 
17:26:12 [INFO] +- Queue 'PLAYER_JOIN_TaxesShowerScan' Executing: (line 7) FLAG "player" "razza<&co> Nessuna" ---------+ 
17:26:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <&co> with ':'. 
17:26:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='RAZZA'  Action/Value='SET_VALUE( Nessuna)'  
                   flag_target='p@af5aa086-6aec-326f-8f2c-46cca42b08a1 (habbo1998)' 
17:26:12 [INFO] +- Queue 'PLAYER_JOIN_TaxesShowerScan' Executing: (line 8) IF "<player.flag[tutorial]>" "==" "No" ---------+ 
17:26:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
17:26:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.flag[tutorial]> with 'li@  No'. 
17:26:12 [INFO]  Comparable='Element( No)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(No)' --> OUTCOME='false' 
17:26:12 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, running ELSE block. 
17:26:12 [INFO] +- Queue 'PLAYER_JOIN_TaxesShowerScan' Executing: (line 11) NARRATE "Tutorial non ancora fatto" ---------+ 
17:26:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='Tutorial non ancora fatto'  Targets='[p@af5aa086-6aec-326f-8f2c-46cca42b08a1 (habbo1998)]' 
17:26:12 [INFO] +- Queue 'PLAYER_JOIN_TaxesShowerScan' Executing: (line 13) IF "<" "player.flag[classe]" "||" "player.flag[razza]>" "==" 
                   "Nessuna" ---------+ 
17:26:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
17:26:12 [INFO]  Comparable='Element(player.flag[razza]>)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(Nessuna)' --> OUTCOME='false' 
17:26:12 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, running ELSE block. 
17:26:12 [INFO] +- Queue 'PLAYER_JOIN_TaxesShowerScan' Executing: (line 17) WAIT "15s" ---------+ 
17:26:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'WAIT': queue='q@PLAYER_JOIN_TaxesShowerScan'  delay='d@15.0s (15s)' 
17:26:12 [INFO]  Forcing queue PLAYER_JOIN_TaxesShowerScan into a timed queue... 
17:26:12 [INFO]  Completing queue 'PLAYER_JOIN_TaxesShowerScan' in 3ms. 
17:26:12 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'PLAYER_JOIN_TaxesShowerScan' with player 'habbo1998'... 
17:26:26 [INFO] +- Queue 'PLAYER_JOIN_TaxesShowerScan' Executing: (line 18) EXECUTE "as_player" "class" ---------+ 
17:26:26 [INFO] +> Executing 'EXECUTE': type='AS_PLAYER'  command='class'  silent='false' 
17:26:26 [INFO]  Completing queue 'PLAYER_JOIN_TaxesShowerScan' in 14206ms.