Paste #65030: Denizen Debug Logs From A Minecraft Server

Date: 2020/02/06 18:25:51 UTC-08:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_241
Up-time: 1h 45m
CraftBukkit Version: git-Paper-88 (MC: 1.15.2)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.70-SNAPSHOT (Build 530), CraftBukkit: 1.1.3-SNAPSHOT (build 4588-DEV)
Active Plugins (6): LuckPerms: 5.0.70, WorldEdit: 7.1.0-SNAPSHOT;4825-8e55131, Vault: 1.7.2-b107, 
WorldGuard: 7.0.2-SNAPSHOT;bf2593e, Citizens: 2.0.26-SNAPSHOT (build 1815), Denizen: 1.1.3-SNAPSHOT (build 4588-DEV),
Loaded Worlds (8): world, world_nether, world_the_end, Spawn_Hub, Dekara, PvP_World, Multiverse_Hub, 
Online Players (2): Berufeng(Berufeng), tubanome(tubanome)
Offline Players: 0
Mode: online

18:25:44 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'mailbox_task_open' in queue 'MAILBOX_PHYSICS_YuRoomsCarl' while executing command 'INVENTORY' in file 
                   '\scripts\Mailboxes.dsc' on line '100' with player 'p@646eca4a-ef19-4fb0-8b1b-74a14a34de04 (Berufeng)'!
     Error Message: Invalid book input! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Running script event 'PlayerClosesInv', event='player closes inventory' for script 'MAIL_DELIVERY' 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros' with player 'Berufeng'... 
18:25:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros' Executing: (line 184) IF "<context.inventory.title>" "==" "Mailbox" ---------+ 
18:25:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.inventory.title> with 'Mailbox'. 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Comparable='Element(Mailbox)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(Mailbox)' --> OUTCOME='true' 
18:25:48 [INFO]  If command passed, running block. 
18:25:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros' Executing: (line 185) DEFINE 
                   "Outgoing:<context.inventory.list_contents.filter[nbt[Player].is[!=].to[<player.UUID>]]>" ---------+ 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.uuid> with '646eca4a-ef19-4fb0-8b1b-74a14a34de04'. 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.inventory.list_contents.filter[nbt[Player].is[!=].to[646eca4a-ef19-4fb0-8b1b-74a14a34de04]]> with 'li@ 
                   i@written_book[book=author|Berufeng|title|qwer|pages|Dear tubanome,&ampnl  &ampnl&ampssr;display_name=&ampss9qwer;lore=Letter 
                   to tubanome;nbt=li@player/7601e085-6b89-44bb-81b0-a5dcf70f6503]'. 
18:25:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros'  
                   action='(Outgoing[0]:SET:li@i@written_book[book=author|Berufeng|title|qwer|pages|Dear tubanome,&ampnl  
                   &ampnl&ampssr;display_name=&ampss9qwer;lore=Letter to tubanome;nbt=li@player/7601e085-6b89-44bb-81b0-a5dcf70f6503])' 
18:25:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros' Executing: (line 186) IF "<[Outgoing].size||0>" ">" "0" ---------+ 
18:25:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'book' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'nbt' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <[Outgoing].size||0> with '1'. 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Comparable='Decimal(1.0)', Operator='MORE', ComparedTo='Decimal(0.0)' --> OUTCOME='true' 
18:25:48 [INFO]  If command passed, running block. 
18:25:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros' Executing: (line 187) INJECT "Mailbox_Task_Send" ---------+ 
18:25:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'INJECT': script='s@mailbox_task_send (TASK)' 
18:25:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros' Executing: (line 196) FOREACH "<[Outgoing]>" "as:Letter" ---------+ 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'book' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'nbt' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <[Outgoing]> with 'li@ i@written_book[book=author|Berufeng|title|qwer|pages|Dear tubanome,&ampnl  
                   &ampnl&ampssr;display_name=&ampss9qwer;lore=Letter to tubanome;nbt=li@player/7601e085-6b89-44bb-81b0-a5dcf70f6503]'. 
18:25:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'FOREACH': list='li@ i@written_book[book=author|Berufeng|title|qwer|pages|Dear tubanome,&ampnl  
                   &ampnl&ampssr;display_name=&ampss9qwer;lore=Letter to tubanome;nbt=li@player/7601e085-6b89-44bb-81b0-a5dcf70f6503]'  
18:25:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros' Executing: (line 197) DEFINE "Recipient:<[Letter].nbt[Player]>" ---------+ 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'book' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'nbt' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <[Letter].nbt[Player]> with '7601e085-6b89-44bb-81b0-a5dcf70f6503'. 
18:25:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros'  
18:25:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros' Executing: (line 198) DEFINE 
                   "Inbox:<yaml[mailboxes].read[inventories.<[Recipient]>]>" ---------+ 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <[Recipient]> with '7601e085-6b89-44bb-81b0-a5dcf70f6503'. 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <yaml[mailboxes].read[inventories.7601e085-6b89-44bb-81b0-a5dcf70f6503]> with 
                   Mail;enchantments=luck_of_the_sea,1;flags=li@HIDE_ENCHANTS;lore=&ampss9&ampsslClick here to start 
18:25:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros'  
                   Mail;enchantments=luck_of_the_sea,1;flags=li@HIDE_ENCHANTS;lore=&ampss9&ampsslClick here to start 
18:25:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros' Executing: (line 199) IF "<[Inbox].contains[air]>" ---------+ 
18:25:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'book' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'mailbox_task_send' in queue 'MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros' while executing command 'IF' in file 
                   '\scripts\Mailboxes.dsc' on line '199' with player 'p@646eca4a-ef19-4fb0-8b1b-74a14a34de04 (Berufeng)'!
     Error Message: Invalid book input! 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'enchantments' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'flags' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'script' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <[Inbox].contains[air]> with 'false'. 
18:25:48 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
18:25:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros' Executing: (line 203) NARRATE "<aqua>Sent <blue><[Letter].book_title><aqua> to 
                   <green><[Recipient]>" ---------+ 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <aqua> with ''. 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <blue> with ''. 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'book' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Applying property 'nbt' on object of type 'Item'... 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <[Letter].book_title> with 'qwer'. 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <aqua> with ''. 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <[Recipient]> with 'tubanome'. 
18:25:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='Sent qwer to tubanome'  Targets='[p@646eca4a-ef19-4fb0-8b1b-74a14a34de04 (Berufeng)]' 
18:25:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH " CALLBACK" "as:Letter" ---------+ 
18:25:48 [INFO] +- Foreach loop complete ---------+ 
18:25:48 [INFO]  Completing queue 'MAIL_DELIVERY_ConnectedDrawPros' in 38ms.