Paste #6504: Edit of P#6503 - Edit of P#6502 - Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/07/07 12:32:36 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: assignment
  debug: false
    on assignment:
    - trigger name:chat toggle:true
    - trigger name:click toggle:true
    - lookclose state:true
    on load:
    - note l@x,y,z,world as:blockshop
  interact scripts:
  - 10 GuideScript
    type: interact 
         click trigger: 
            - chat "<yellow>Welcome to the Domestic Center! I am <>, one of the agents here." 
            - chat "<yellow>Would you like to know about our various <gray>departments<yellow>?" 
            - chat "<yellow>I can also guide you to any department, if you tell me the name." 

         chat trigger: 
               trigger: What /departments/ does the Domestic Center offer? 
               - chat "<yellow>We currently possess several departments, including:" 
               - chat "<gray>Realestate" 
               - chat "<gray>Rent-A-Builder" 
               - chat "<gray>Block Shop" 
               - chat "<gray>Food Shop" 
               - chat "<gray>Postmaster" 
               - chat "<yellow>Would you like me to guide you somewhere? Just type in the name!" 

         chat trigger: 
              trigger: Can you guide me to /regex:(?i)(Realestate|Rent-A-Builder|Block Shop|Postmaster)/? 
              - engage 
              - flag npc Returnpoint:<npc.location> 
              - chat "<yellow>Ok! Follow me!" 
              - ~walk l@<context.message> 
              - chat "<yellow>There you go! This is the <gold><context.message> <yellow>department." 
              - chat "<yellow>Have a great day!" 
              - walk l@<npc.flag[<Returnpoint>]> 
              - disengage