Paste #65260: Denizen Debug Logs From 1[----bShadowBlade Since 20111----] aNow 1.15.2! e

Date: 2020/02/14 02:45:35 UTC-08:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_111
Up-time: 1h 33m
CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-c574e08-708be69 (MC: 1.15.2)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.70-SNAPSHOT (Build 531), CraftBukkit: 1.1.3-SNAPSHOT (build 4593-DEV)
Active Plugins (66): PlaceholderAPI: 2.10.4, Lift: 63, NametagEdit: 4.4.6, PvPToggle: 1.7, Core: 0.2.4, 
ChatReaction: 1.8.0, CensorIt: 0.3, TTA: 4.9, LuckPerms: 5.0.72, WorldEdit: 7.1.0;8e55131, 
EggCatcher: 4.2, OpenInv: 4.0.8, MineableSpawners: 2.0.8, AutoMessage: 1.5, 
WorldBorder: 1.9.10 (beta), BuycraftX: 10.1.4, ProtocolLib: 4.5.0, Multiverse-Core: 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT-b764, 
LibsDisguises: 9.9.3, AsyncWorldEdit: 3.6.18, Minepacks: 2.1.8-Release, VoidGenerator: 1.4.2, 
Phantom-B-Gone: 0.3, CS-CoreLib: 1.6.3, Multiverse-Portals: 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT-b796, 
Ask8Ball: 1.1.1, Vault: 1.7.2-b107, Item2Chat: 4.2.3, LWC: 2.1.5-09ad392, 
HolographicDisplays: 2.4.1, PlayerPoints: 2.1.5-SNAPSHOT, WorldGuard: 7.0.2-SNAPSHOT;bf2593e, 
Slimefun: RC - 5 (git 04709365), Multiverse-NetherPortals: 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT-b754, 
MyCommand: 5.6.1, CoreProtect: 2.18.1, AreaShop: 2.6.0#299, Essentials:, 
GadgetsMenu: 4.3.29, BedWars: 0.1.4, LiftSign: 0.4.1, HeadDatabase: 4.9.1, 
SalaryManager: 0.1.8, MoneyDrops: 1.2.0, Citizens: 2.0.26-SNAPSHOT (build 1812), 
EssentialsChat:, CrazyAuctions: 1.2.11-RELEASE, ExoticGarden: DEV - 35 (git deec898a), 
RFChairs: 6.0, Lottery: 1.4.1, mcMMO: 2.1.115-SNAPSHOT, SuperVanish: 6.1.3, 
UltimateKits: 2.5.1, ChestShop: 3.10 (build 165), Rankup: 3.6.1, MoreFish: 3.0.2, 
EssentialsSpawn:, TitleManager: 2.1.6, Denizen: 1.1.3-SNAPSHOT (build 4593-DEV), 
GriefPrevention: 16.13.0, Wild: 2.14-6121fc8, Depenizen: 2.0.0 (build 602), 
BossShopPro: 2.0.8, MyPet: 3.9, Jobs: 4.15.4, SelectionVisualizer:,
Loaded Worlds (15): shadowblade, shadowblade_nether, shadowblade_the_end, lsb1, lsb2, lsb5, sb7, lsb3, 
lsb4, warp1, world_the_end, world, spawn, world_nether, BedWars1
Online Players (1):  [tech] wksjim(wksjim)
Offline Players: 920
Mode: online

10:45:27 [INFO]  Running script event 'Command', event='home command' for script 'DESSENTIALS_HOME_MENU_HANDLER' 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'DESSENTIALS_HOME_MENU_HANDLER_PreferencesAttributePic' with player 'wksjim'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'DESSENTIALS_HOME_MENU_HANDLER_PreferencesAttributePic' Executing: (line 52) IF 
                   "<player.has_permission[essentials.home].not>" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.has_permission[essentials.home].not> with 'false'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'DESSENTIALS_HOME_MENU_HANDLER_PreferencesAttributePic' Executing: (line 56) IF "<context.args.get[1]||null>" "==" 
                   "null" "&&" "<player.home_name_list.size>" ">=" "2" "&&" "<player.has_permission[essentials.home]>" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.args.get[1]||null> with 'null'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Comparable='Element(null)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(null)' --> OUTCOME='true' 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.home_name_list.size> with '4'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Comparable='Decimal(4.0)', Operator='OR_MORE', ComparedTo='Decimal(2.0)' --> OUTCOME='true' 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.has_permission[essentials.home]> with 'true'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  If command passed, running block. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'DESSENTIALS_HOME_MENU_HANDLER_PreferencesAttributePic' Executing: (line 57) INVENTORY "open" 
                   "d:in@dessentials_home_menu" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <red> with ''. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <red> with ''. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'wksjim'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <&4> with ''. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <&2> with ''. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'skull_skin' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <&4> with ''. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <&2> with ''. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> [MaterialTag] 'BED' is a legacy (pre-1.13) material name. It is now 'RED_BED'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' with player 'wksjim'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 14) DEFINE "list" "li@" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted'  definition='list'  value='li@' 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 15) FOREACH "<player.home_name_list>" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.home_name_list> with 'li@frist_home_sb1|new_1_13_2_home|me|1_15'. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'FOREACH': list='li@ frist_home_sb1 | new_1_13_2_home | me | 1_15'  as_name='value' 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 16) DEFINE "item" 
                   "i@bed:<def[loop_index].sub[1]>[lore=<def[value]>]" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[loop_index].sub[1]> with '0'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[value]> with 'frist_home_sb1'. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted'  definition='item'  value='i@bed:0[lore=frist_home_sb1]' 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 17) ADJUST "<def[item]>" "display_name:Teleportingtarget" 
10:45:27 [INFO]  ...remembering this script entry as 'item'! 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> [MaterialTag] 'BED' is a legacy (pre-1.13) material name. It is now 'RED_BED'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[item]> with 'i@red_bed[lore=frist_home_sb1]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'ADJUST': object='li@ i@red_bed[lore=frist_home_sb1]'  mechanism='display_name'  
10:45:27 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 19) ADJUST "<entry[item].result>" "lore:<def[value]>" 
10:45:27 [INFO]  ...remembering this script entry as 'item'! 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[item].result> with 'i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=frist_home_sb1]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[value]> with 'frist_home_sb1'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'ADJUST': object='li@ i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=frist_home_sb1]'  mechanism='lore'  
10:45:27 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 20) DEFINE "item" "<entry[item].result>" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[item].result> with 'i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=frist_home_sb1]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted'  definition='item'  
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 21) DEFINE "list" "<def[list].include[<def[item]>]>" 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[item]> with 'i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=frist_home_sb1]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[list].include[i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=frist_home_sb1]]> with 'li@ 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted'  definition='list'  value='li@ 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH " CALLBACK" "as:value" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Foreach loop 2 ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 16) DEFINE "item" 
                   "i@bed:<def[loop_index].sub[1]>[lore=<def[value]>]" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[loop_index].sub[1]> with '1'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[value]> with 'new_1_13_2_home'. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted'  definition='item'  
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 17) ADJUST "<def[item]>" "display_name:Teleportingtarget" 
10:45:27 [INFO]  ...remembering this script entry as 'item'! 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> [MaterialTag] 'BED' is a legacy (pre-1.13) material name. It is now 'RED_BED'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[item]> with 'i@red_bed[lore=new_1_13_2_home]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'ADJUST': object='li@ i@red_bed[lore=new_1_13_2_home]'  mechanism='display_name'  
10:45:27 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 19) ADJUST "<entry[item].result>" "lore:<def[value]>" 
10:45:27 [INFO]  ...remembering this script entry as 'item'! 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[item].result> with 'i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=new_1_13_2_home]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[value]> with 'new_1_13_2_home'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'ADJUST': object='li@ i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=new_1_13_2_home]'  mechanism='lore'  
10:45:27 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 20) DEFINE "item" "<entry[item].result>" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[item].result> with 'i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=new_1_13_2_home]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted'  definition='item'  
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 21) DEFINE "list" "<def[list].include[<def[item]>]>" 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[item]> with 'i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=new_1_13_2_home]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[list].include[i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=new_1_13_2_home]]> with 'li@ 
                   i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=frist_home_sb1] | 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted'  definition='list'  value='li@ 
                   i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=frist_home_sb1] | 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH " CALLBACK" "as:value" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Foreach loop 3 ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 16) DEFINE "item" 
                   "i@bed:<def[loop_index].sub[1]>[lore=<def[value]>]" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[loop_index].sub[1]> with '2'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[value]> with 'me'. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted'  definition='item'  value='i@bed:2[lore=me]' 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 17) ADJUST "<def[item]>" "display_name:Teleportingtarget" 
10:45:27 [INFO]  ...remembering this script entry as 'item'! 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> [MaterialTag] 'BED' is a legacy (pre-1.13) material name. It is now 'RED_BED'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[item]> with 'i@red_bed[lore=me]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'ADJUST': object='li@ i@red_bed[lore=me]'  mechanism='display_name'  mechanism_value='Teleportingtarget' 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 19) ADJUST "<entry[item].result>" "lore:<def[value]>" 
10:45:27 [INFO]  ...remembering this script entry as 'item'! 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[item].result> with 'i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=me]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[value]> with 'me'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'ADJUST': object='li@ i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=me]'  mechanism='lore'  mechanism_value='me' 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 20) DEFINE "item" "<entry[item].result>" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[item].result> with 'i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=me]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted'  definition='item'  
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 21) DEFINE "list" "<def[list].include[<def[item]>]>" 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[item]> with 'i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=me]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[list].include[i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=me]]> with 'li@ 
                   i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=frist_home_sb1] | i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=new_1_13_2_home] 
                   | i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=me]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted'  definition='list'  value='li@ 
                   i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=frist_home_sb1] | i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=new_1_13_2_home] 
                   | i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=me]' 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH " CALLBACK" "as:value" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Foreach loop 4 ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 16) DEFINE "item" 
                   "i@bed:<def[loop_index].sub[1]>[lore=<def[value]>]" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[loop_index].sub[1]> with '3'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[value]> with '1_15'. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted'  definition='item'  value='i@bed:3[lore=1_15]' 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 17) ADJUST "<def[item]>" "display_name:Teleportingtarget" 
10:45:27 [INFO]  ...remembering this script entry as 'item'! 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> [MaterialTag] 'BED' is a legacy (pre-1.13) material name. It is now 'RED_BED'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[item]> with 'i@red_bed[lore=1_15]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'ADJUST': object='li@ i@red_bed[lore=1_15]'  mechanism='display_name'  mechanism_value='Teleportingtarget' 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 19) ADJUST "<entry[item].result>" "lore:<def[value]>" 
10:45:27 [INFO]  ...remembering this script entry as 'item'! 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[item].result> with 'i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=1_15]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[value]> with '1_15'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'ADJUST': object='li@ i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=1_15]'  mechanism='lore'  
10:45:27 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 20) DEFINE "item" "<entry[item].result>" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[item].result> with 'i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=1_15]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted'  definition='item'  
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 21) DEFINE "list" "<def[list].include[<def[item]>]>" 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[item]> with 'i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=1_15]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[list].include[i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=1_15]]> with 'li@ 
                   i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=frist_home_sb1] | i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=new_1_13_2_home] 
                   | i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=me] | i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=1_15]'. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted'  definition='list'  value='li@ 
                   i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=frist_home_sb1] | i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=new_1_13_2_home] 
                   | i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=me] | i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=1_15]' 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH " CALLBACK" "as:value" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Foreach loop complete ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' Executing: (line 22) DETERMINE "<def[list]>" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[list]> with 'li@ i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=frist_home_sb1] | 
                   i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=new_1_13_2_home] | i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=me] | 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DETERMINE': outcome='li@ i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=frist_home_sb1] | 
                   i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=new_1_13_2_home] | i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=me] | 
                   i@red_bed[display_name=Teleportingtarget;lore=1_15]'  passively='false'  Queue='q@INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' 
10:45:27 [INFO]  Completing queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_HoodBorderGranted' in 19ms. 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'INVENTORY': actions='[open]'  Inventory='in@DESSENTIALS_HOME_MENU[uniquifier=5]'  slot='1' 
10:45:27 [INFO] +- Queue 'DESSENTIALS_HOME_MENU_HANDLER_PreferencesAttributePic' Executing: (line 58) DETERMINE "fulfilled" ---------+ 
10:45:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'DETERMINE': outcome='fulfilled'  passively='false'  
10:45:27 [INFO]  Completing queue 'DESSENTIALS_HOME_MENU_HANDLER_PreferencesAttributePic' in 23ms.