Paste #66209: Denizen Debug Logs From Remote Hosted!

Date: 2020/03/17 19:23:55 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 11.0.5
Up-time: 1h 43m
CraftBukkit Version: git-Paper-137 (MC: 1.15.2)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.80-SNAPSHOT (Build 565), CraftBukkit: 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT (build 4652-DEV)
Active Plugins (6): LuckPerms: 5.0.70, WorldEdit: 7.1.0-SNAPSHOT;4825-8e55131, Vault: 1.7.2-b107, 
WorldGuard: 7.0.2-SNAPSHOT;bf2593e, Citizens: 2.0.26-SNAPSHOT (build 1821), Denizen: 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT (build 4652-DEV),
Loaded Worlds (6): Spawn_Hub, Spawn_Hub_the_end, Dekara, Multiverse_Hub, Schematics, PvP_World
Online Players (1): Berufeng(Berufeng)
Offline Players: 3
Mode: online

02:23:51 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'EXCOMMAND_CubaHousewaresHarvard' with player 'Berufeng'... 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Queue 'EXCOMMAND_CubaHousewaresHarvard' Executing: (line 1) RUN Seasonal_Arena_Update instantly ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='s@seasonal_arena_update (TASK)'  instant='true' 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' with player 'Berufeng'... 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' Executing: (line 23) DEFINE season <server.flag[season]> ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <server.flag[season]> with 'li@ spring'. 
02:23:51 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine'  definition='season'  value='li@ spring' 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' Executing: (line 24) CHUNKLOAD 
                   <cuboid[PvP_World,19,64,110,-19,85,145].list_partial_chunks> duration:1t ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <cuboid[PvP_World,19,64,110,-19,85,145].list_partial_chunks> with 'li@ ch@-2,6,PvP_World | ch@-2,7,PvP_World | 
                   ch@-2,8,PvP_World | ch@-2,9,PvP_World | ch@-1,6,PvP_World | ch@-1,7,PvP_World | ch@-1,8,PvP_World | ch@-1,9,PvP_World | 
                   ch@0,6,PvP_World | ch@0,7,PvP_World | ch@0,8,PvP_World | ch@0,9,PvP_World | ch@1,6,PvP_World | ch@1,7,PvP_World | 
                   ch@1,8,PvP_World | ch@1,9,PvP_World'. 
02:23:51 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHUNKLOAD': action='ADD'  location='li@ ch@-2,6,PvP_World | ch@-2,7,PvP_World | ch@-2,8,PvP_World | 
                   ch@-2,9,PvP_World | ch@-1,6,PvP_World | ch@-1,7,PvP_World | ch@-1,8,PvP_World | ch@-1,9,PvP_World | ch@0,6,PvP_World | 
                   ch@0,7,PvP_World | ch@0,8,PvP_World | ch@0,9,PvP_World | ch@1,6,PvP_World | ch@1,7,PvP_World | ch@1,8,PvP_World | 
                   ch@1,9,PvP_World'  duration='d@0.05s (0.05s)' 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk -2, 6 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk -2, 7 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk -2, 8 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk -2, 9 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk -1, 6 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk -1, 7 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk -1, 8 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk -1, 9 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk 0, 6 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk 0, 7 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk 0, 8 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk 0, 9 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk 1, 6 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk 1, 7 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk 1, 8 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ...added chunk 1, 9 with a delay of 0.05 seconds. 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' Executing: (line 25) FOREACH 
                   <list[winter|spring|summer|autumn].exclude[<[season]>]> ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <[season]> with 'li@ spring'. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <list[winter|spring|summer|autumn].exclude[spring]> with 'li@ winter | summer | autumn'. 
02:23:51 [INFO] +> Executing 'FOREACH': list='li@ winter | summer | autumn'  as_name='value' 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' Executing: (line 26) MODIFYBLOCK 
                   <cuboid[<script[Seasonal_Arena_Update_Config].yaml_key[Season.<[value]>.sign]>]> black_stained_glass ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <[value]> with 'winter'. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[Seasonal_Arena_Update_Config].yaml_key[Season.winter.sign]> with 'PvP_World,23,90,108,13,80,108'. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <cuboid[PvP_World,23,90,108,13,80,108]> with 'cu@PvP_World,13,80,108,23,90,108'. 
02:23:51 [INFO] +> Executing 'MODIFYBLOCK': locations='[l@13, 80, 108, PvP_World, l@13, 81, 108, PvP_World, l@13, 82, 108, PvP_World, l@13, 
                   83, 108, PvP_World, l@13, 84, 108, PvP_World, l@13, 85, 108, PvP_World, l@13, 86, 108, PvP_World, l@13, 87, 108, PvP_World, 
                   l@13, 88, 108, PvP_World, l@13, 89, 108, PvP_World, l@13, 90, 108, PvP_World, l@14, 80, 108, PvP_World, l@14, 81, 108, 
                   PvP_World, l@14, 82, 108, PvP_World, l@14, 83, 108, PvP_World, l@14, 84, 108, PvP_World, l@14, 85, 108, PvP_World, l@14, 86, 
                   108, PvP_World, l@14, 87, 108, PvP_World, l@14, 88, 108, PvP_World, l@... * snip! * 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH  CALLBACK as:value ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Foreach loop 2 ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' Executing: (line 26) MODIFYBLOCK 
                   <cuboid[<script[Seasonal_Arena_Update_Config].yaml_key[Season.<[value]>.sign]>]> black_stained_glass ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <[value]> with 'summer'. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[Seasonal_Arena_Update_Config].yaml_key[Season.summer.sign]> with 'PvP_World,-1,90,108,-11,80,108'. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <cuboid[PvP_World,-1,90,108,-11,80,108]> with 'cu@PvP_World,-11,80,108,-1,90,108'. 
02:23:51 [INFO] +> Executing 'MODIFYBLOCK': locations='[l@-11, 80, 108, PvP_World, l@-11, 81, 108, PvP_World, l@-11, 82, 108, PvP_World, 
                   l@-11, 83, 108, PvP_World, l@-11, 84, 108, PvP_World, l@-11, 85, 108, PvP_World, l@-11, 86, 108, PvP_World, l@-11, 87, 108, 
                   PvP_World, l@-11, 88, 108, PvP_World, l@-11, 89, 108, PvP_World, l@-11, 90, 108, PvP_World, l@-10, 80, 108, PvP_World, l@-10, 
                   81, 108, PvP_World, l@-10, 82, 108, PvP_World, l@-10, 83, 108, PvP_World, l@-10, 84, 108, PvP_World, l@-10, 85, 108, 
                   PvP_World, l@-10, 86, 108, PvP_World, l@-10, 87, 108, PvP_World, l@-10, 88, 108,... * snip! * 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH  CALLBACK as:value ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Foreach loop 3 ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' Executing: (line 26) MODIFYBLOCK 
                   <cuboid[<script[Seasonal_Arena_Update_Config].yaml_key[Season.<[value]>.sign]>]> black_stained_glass ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <[value]> with 'autumn'. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[Seasonal_Arena_Update_Config].yaml_key[Season.autumn.sign]> with 'PvP_World,-13,90,108,-23,80,108'. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <cuboid[PvP_World,-13,90,108,-23,80,108]> with 'cu@PvP_World,-23,80,108,-13,90,108'. 
02:23:51 [INFO] +> Executing 'MODIFYBLOCK': locations='[l@-23, 80, 108, PvP_World, l@-23, 81, 108, PvP_World, l@-23, 82, 108, PvP_World, 
                   l@-23, 83, 108, PvP_World, l@-23, 84, 108, PvP_World, l@-23, 85, 108, PvP_World, l@-23, 86, 108, PvP_World, l@-23, 87, 108, 
                   PvP_World, l@-23, 88, 108, PvP_World, l@-23, 89, 108, PvP_World, l@-23, 90, 108, PvP_World, l@-22, 80, 108, PvP_World, l@-22, 
                   81, 108, PvP_World, l@-22, 82, 108, PvP_World, l@-22, 83, 108, PvP_World, l@-22, 84, 108, PvP_World, l@-22, 85, 108, 
                   PvP_World, l@-22, 86, 108, PvP_World, l@-22, 87, 108, PvP_World, l@-22, 88, 108,... * snip! * 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH  CALLBACK as:value ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Foreach loop complete ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' Executing: (line 27) MODIFYBLOCK 
                   <cuboid[<script[Seasonal_Arena_Update_Config].yaml_key[Season.<[season]>.sign]>]> air ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <[season]> with 'li@ spring'. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[Seasonal_Arena_Update_Config].yaml_key[Season.spring.sign]> with 'PvP_World,11,90,108,1,80,108'. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <cuboid[PvP_World,11,90,108,1,80,108]> with 'cu@PvP_World,1,80,108,11,90,108'. 
02:23:51 [INFO] +> Executing 'MODIFYBLOCK': locations='[l@1, 80, 108, PvP_World, l@1, 81, 108, PvP_World, l@1, 82, 108, PvP_World, l@1, 83, 
                   108, PvP_World, l@1, 84, 108, PvP_World, l@1, 85, 108, PvP_World, l@1, 86, 108, PvP_World, l@1, 87, 108, PvP_World, l@1, 88, 
                   108, PvP_World, l@1, 89, 108, PvP_World, l@1, 90, 108, PvP_World, l@2, 80, 108, PvP_World, l@2, 81, 108, PvP_World, l@2, 82, 
                   108, PvP_World, l@2, 83, 108, PvP_World, l@2, 84, 108, PvP_World, l@2, 85, 108, PvP_World, l@2, 86, 108, PvP_World, l@2, 87, 
                   108, PvP_World, l@2, 88, 108, PvP_World, l@2, 89, 1... * snip! * 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' Executing: (line 29) SCHEMATIC load name:<[season]>Facade ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <[season]> with 'li@ spring'. 
02:23:51 [INFO] +> Executing 'SCHEMATIC': type='LOAD'  name='springFacade' 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'seasonal_arena_update' in queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' while executing command 
                   'SCHEMATIC' in file 'scripts/Arena_Season_Changer.dsc' on line '29' with player 'p@646eca4a-ef19-4fb0-8b1b-74a14a34de04 
     Error Message: Schematic file springFacade does not exist. Are you sure it's in /opt/service/plugins/Denizen/schematics/? 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' Executing: (line 30) SCHEMATIC paste name:<[season]>Facade 
                   <location[0,66,107,PvP_World]> ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <[season]> with 'li@ spring'. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <location[0,66,107,PvP_World]> with 'l@0, 66, 107, PvP_World'. 
02:23:51 [INFO] +> Executing 'SCHEMATIC': type='PASTE'  name='springFacade'  location='l@0, 66, 107, PvP_World' 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'seasonal_arena_update' in queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' while executing command 
                   'SCHEMATIC' in file 'scripts/Arena_Season_Changer.dsc' on line '30' with player 'p@646eca4a-ef19-4fb0-8b1b-74a14a34de04 
     Error Message: Schematic file springFacade is not loaded. 
02:23:51 [INFO] +- Queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' Executing: (line 31) SCHEMATIC unload name:<[season]>Facade ---------+ 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <[season]> with 'li@ spring'. 
02:23:51 [INFO] +> Executing 'SCHEMATIC': type='UNLOAD'  name='springFacade' 
02:23:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'seasonal_arena_update' in queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' while executing command 
                   'SCHEMATIC' in file 'scripts/Arena_Season_Changer.dsc' on line '31' with player 'p@646eca4a-ef19-4fb0-8b1b-74a14a34de04 
     Error Message: Schematic file springFacade is not loaded. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Completing queue 'SEASONAL_ARENA_UPDATE_OrderingPopularityMine' in 20ms. 
02:23:51 [INFO]  Completing queue 'EXCOMMAND_CubaHousewaresHarvard' in 21ms.