FireworkSpam: type: task script: - firework location:.location> primary:random|random|random|random flicker trail - firework location:.location> primary:random|random|random|random flicker trail - firework location:.location> primary:random|random|random|random flicker trail - firework location:.location> primary:random|random|random|random flicker trail - firework location:.location> primary:random|random|random|random flicker trail - firework location:.location> primary:random|random|random|random flicker trail - firework location:.location> primary:random|random|random|random flicker trail - firework location:.location> primary:random|random|random|random flicker trail - firework location:.location> primary:random|random|random|random flicker trail - firework location:.location> primary:random|random|random|random flicker trail - firework location:.location> primary:random|random|random|random flicker trail BanhammerFire: type: task definitions: player script: - ^announce "Charging banhammer..." - ^announce "[||||||||||]" - wait 1 - ^announce "[||||||||||]" - wait 1 - ^announce "[||||||||||]" - wait 1 - ^announce "[||||||||||]" - wait 1 - ^announce "[||||||||||]" - wait 1 - ^announce "[||||||||||]" - wait 1 - ^announce "[||||||||||]" - wait 1 - ^announce "[||||||||||]" - wait 1 - ^announce "[||||||||||]" - wait 1 - ^announce "[||||||||||]" - wait 1 - ^announce "Banhammer charged. Initiating annihilation sequence." - ^execute asserver "ban %player%" - ^announce "Banhammer has fired upon %player%. THE GODS HAVE SPOKEN" 'Utility Scripts': type: world events: on banhammer command: - if ! queue clear - run BanhammerFire def: on beginManaLoop command: - ^if queue queue:queueID stop - run RegenerateManaLoop id:ManaLoop on leveluptext command: - run PrintL - wait 1 - run PrintE - wait 1 - run PrintV - wait 1 - run PrintE - wait 1 - run PrintL on drs command: - if == ryot333 { - execute asserver "denizen reload scripts" - narrate "Denizen/scripts/... reloaded from disk to memory." - determine fulfilled } - if { - execute asserver "denizen reload scripts" - narrate "Denizen/scripts/... reloaded from disk to memory." - determine fulfilled } on party command: - if == null { - narrate "You have to have a reason to party, dude." - queue clear } - announce "PARTY BECAUSE " - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - run FireworkSpam - determine fulfilled on soulstones command: - ^if !== true queue clear - ^narrate "Spawning soulstones for administration use." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&eLightning_Soulstone lore:'s_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&dHealing_Soulstone lore:'s_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&4Fireball_Soulstone lore:'s_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&5Repelling_Soulstone lore:'s_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&1Frozen_Soulstone lore:'s_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&6Aegis_Soulstone lore:'s_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:Juggernaut_Soulstone lore:'s_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&4Nova_Soulstone lore:'s_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&0Unholy_Soulstone lore:'s_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:*&4P&6r&ei&as&9m&da&5t&4i&6c_Soulstone* lore:'s_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&eReforged_Lightning_Soulstone lore:'s_Reforged_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&4Reforged_Fireball_Soulstone lore:'s_Reforged_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&6Reforged_Aegis_Soulstone lore:'s_Reforged_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&0Reforged_Unholy_Soulstone lore:'s_Reforged_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:*!&4R&6e&ef&ao&9r&dg&6e&4d&6_&4P&6r&ei&as&9m&da&5t&4i&6c_Soulstone!* lore:'s_Reforged_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&dReforged_Healing_Soulstone lore:'s_Reforged_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&4Reforged_Nova_Soulstone lore:'s_Reforged_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&1Reforged_Frozen_Soulstone lore:'s_Reforged_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:&5Reforged_Repelling_Soulstone lore:'s_Reforged_Soulstone." - execute asserver "give 399 1 name:Reforged_Juggernaut_Soulstone lore:'s_Reforged_Soulstone." on goHome command: - if == null { - narrate "You haven't set your home yet." - queue clear } - if == true { - narrate "You were damaged too recently to go home." - queue clear } - if == true { - narrate "You can't go home yet. You'll be able to again in ." - queue clear } - narrate "Let's go home." - flag HomeCooldown:true duration:60s - teleport - determine fulfilled on makeHome command: - if == confirm { - if == true { - narrate "You can't set your home yet." - queue clear } - if == false { - narrate "You don't have enough diamonds." - queue clear } - if == true { - ^take 264 qty:3 - ^flag HomeSetCooldown:true duration:86400s - narrate "Your home has been set at your current location." - flag HomePosition: } } - narrate "Setting your home is reasonably permanent. It costs 3 diamonds to set your home." - narrate "Use /makehome confirm to place your house." - determine fulfilled on titles command: - if == null { - narrate "Usage<o> list, set (index to set)" - deterimine fulfilled - queue clear } - if == list { - narrate "Use /titles set (number to the left of title) to set your title." - flag count:1 - if == null { - narrate "You don't have any titles!" - determine fulfilled - queue clear } - foreach { - narrate "[]<o> %value%" - flag count:++ } - determine fulfilled } - if == set { - if == null { - narrate "Specify an index!" - determine fulfilled } - if ]> == null { - narrate "That isn't an index you have." - determine fulfilled } - if !]> == null { - narrate "Title set!" - execute asserver "prefix ]>" } - determine fulfilled } on donatortitle command: - if ! queue clear - flag player:Titles:->: - determine fulfilled on titlesOther command: - if { - foreach { - narrate "[].flag[count].asint>]<o> %value%" - flag count:++ } } AddTitle: type: task context: value script: - flag Titles:->: