Paste #6657: Edit of P#6654 - Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/07/10 13:55:05 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: world

    on player left clicks with Blaze_Rod: 
          - if !<player.has_flag[xxx]> { 
            - flag xxx duration:1s 
            - shoot fireball origin:<player> speed:3 script:test
            - playeffect "location:<context.location>" effect:MOBSPAWNER_FLAMES 
            - determine fulfilled 
            } else { 
            - narrate "<&e>U cant use it wait <&c><&l><player.flag[firevortex].expiration.formatted>" 
            - determine fulfilled 

      type: task
      debug: false
        - foreach %hit_entities% { 
          - hurt %value% 52