Paste #66987: Denizen Debug Logs From A Minecraft Server

Date: 2020/04/05 15:58:11 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_212
Up-time: 1m 29s
Server Version: Paper version git-Paper-161 (MC: 1.15.2)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.80-SNAPSHOT (Build 572), CraftBukkit: 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT (build 4681-DEV)
Active Plugins (5): Citizens: 2.0.26-SNAPSHOT (build 1846), WorldEdit: 7.1.0;8e55131, Denizen: 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT (build 4681-DEV), 
Depenizen: 2.0.0 (build 610), dDiscordBot: 0.6 (build 73)
Loaded Worlds (4): world, world_nether, BakeryandFD, SammySeanNimsy
Online Players (1): FlimsyNimsy(FlimsyNimsy)
Offline Players: 1
Mode: online

15:57:48 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'EXCOMMAND_MethodCitizensImprovement' with player 'FlimsyNimsy'... 
15:57:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'EXCOMMAND_MethodCitizensImprovement' Executing: (line 1) RUN bread_rain_test ---------+ 
15:57:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='s@bread_rain_test (TASK)' 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition' with player 'FlimsyNimsy'... 
15:57:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition' Executing: (line 50) REPEAT 10 ---------+ 
15:57:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'REPEAT': qty='10'  as_name='value' 
15:57:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition' Executing: (line 51) DEFINE x <[-7000].to[7000]> ---------+ 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <[-7000].to[7000]> with '5218'. 
15:57:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition'  definition='x'  value='5218' 
15:57:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition' Executing: (line 52) DEFINE z <[-7000].to[7000]> ---------+ 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <[-7000].to[7000]> with '-5305'. 
15:57:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition'  definition='z'  value='-5305' 
15:57:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition' Executing: (line 53) DEFINE location 
                   <server.flag[breadrain_center].as_location.add[<[x]>,0,<[z]>,<server.flag[breadrain_center]>]> ---------+ 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <[x]> with '5218'. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <[z]> with '-5305'. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <server.flag[breadrain_center]> with 'w@BakeryandFD'. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <server.flag[breadrain_center].as_location.add[5218,0,-5305,w@BakeryandFD]> with 'l@5242.279395317988, 71, 
                   -5320.6088943402, 6.079346656799316, 176.9092254638672, BakeryandFD'. 
15:57:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition'  definition='location'  value='l@5242.279395317988, 71, 
                   -5320.6088943402, 6.079346656799316, 176.9092254638672, BakeryandFD' 
15:57:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition' Executing: (line 54) CHUNKLOAD <[location].chunk> duration:20s ---------+ 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <[location].chunk> with 'ch@327,-333,BakeryandFD'. 
15:57:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHUNKLOAD': action='ADD'  location='li@ ch@327,-333,BakeryandFD'  duration='d@20.0s (20s)' 
15:57:48 [INFO]  ...added chunk 327, -333 with a delay of 20.0 seconds. 
15:57:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition' Executing: (line 55) IF 
                   <[location][<list[Lava|Water|Leaves|ice]>]> || <[location]> <= 12 
15:57:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <list[Lava|Water|Leaves|ice]> with 'li@ Lava | Water | Leaves | ice'. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <[location][li@Lava|Water|Leaves|ice]> with 'false'. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Unfilled attributes 'sky.light' for tag <[location]>! 
15:57:48 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'bread_rain_test' in queue 'BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition' while executing command 'IF' in file 
                   '\scripts\BreadRainEvent.dsc' on line '55' with player 'p@cd5de6a4-2a73-4959-9d1f-d8dfae370c28 (FlimsyNimsy)'!
     Error Message: Tag <[location]> is invalid! 
15:57:48 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'bread_rain_test' in queue 'BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition' while executing command 'IF' in file 
                   '\scripts\BreadRainEvent.dsc' on line '55' with player 'p@cd5de6a4-2a73-4959-9d1f-d8dfae370c28 (FlimsyNimsy)'!
     Error Message: Comparing text as if it were a number - comparison automatically false 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Comparable='Element([location]', Operator='OR_LESS', ComparedTo='Element(12)' --> OUTCOME='false' 
15:57:48 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, running ELSE block. 
15:57:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition' Executing: (line 59) ANNOUNCE "<list[<&7>It's raining... <&6><&o>bread<&7>? 
                   <&r><&r><element[<&e><&l>CLICK HERE].on_hover[<&a>Click to teleport to the event!].on_click[/breadrain]>|<&7>I've heard it's 
                   cloudy with a chance of <&6><&o>loaves! <&r><element[<&e><&l>CLICK HERE].on_hover[<&a>Click to teleport to the 
                   event!].on_click[/breadrain]>|<&7>What is this wizardry?! <&6><&o>Bread<&7> is falling from the sky! 
                   <&r><element[<&e><&l>CLICK HERE].on_hover[<&a>Click to teleport to the event!].on_click[/breadrain]>|<&7>Is it just me, or do 
                   you guys see raining <&6><&o>loaves<&7>? <&r><element[<&e><&l>CLICK HERE].on_hover[<&a>Click to teleport to the 
                   event!].on_click[/breadrain]>].random>" ---------+ 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&6> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&o> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&r> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&r> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&l> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&a> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <element[CLICK HERE].on_hover[Click to teleport to the event!].on_click[/breadrain]> with 
                   '[click=RUN_COMMAND;/breadrain][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&ssaClick to teleport to the event!]CLICK HERE[/hover][/click]'. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&6> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&o> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&r> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&l> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&a> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <element[CLICK HERE].on_hover[Click to teleport to the event!].on_click[/breadrain]> with 
                   '[click=RUN_COMMAND;/breadrain][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&ssaClick to teleport to the event!]CLICK HERE[/hover][/click]'. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&6> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&o> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&r> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&l> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&a> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <element[CLICK HERE].on_hover[Click to teleport to the event!].on_click[/breadrain]> with 
                   '[click=RUN_COMMAND;/breadrain][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&ssaClick to teleport to the event!]CLICK HERE[/hover][/click]'. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&6> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&o> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&r> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&l> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <&a> with ''. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <element[CLICK HERE].on_hover[Click to teleport to the event!].on_click[/breadrain]> with 
                   '[click=RUN_COMMAND;/breadrain][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&ssaClick to teleport to the event!]CLICK HERE[/hover][/click]'. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <list[It's raining... bread? [click=RUN_COMMAND;/breadrain][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&ssaClick to teleport to the 
                   event!]CLICK HERE[/hover][/click]|I've heard it's cloudy with a chance of loaves! 
                   [click=RUN_COMMAND;/breadrain][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&ssaClick to teleport to the event!]CLICK HERE[/hover][/click]|What is this 
                   wizardry?! Bread is falling from the sky! [click=RUN_COMMAND;/breadrain][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&ssaClick to teleport to the 
                   event!]CLICK HERE[/hover][/click]|Is it just me, or do you guys see raining loaves? 
                   [click=RUN_COMMAND;/breadrain][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&ssaClick to teleport to the event!]CLICK HERE[/hover][/click]].random> 
                   with 'Is it just me, or do you guys see raining loaves? [click=RUN_COMMAND;/breadrain][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&ssaClick to teleport 
                   to the event!]CLICK HERE[/hover][/click]'. 
15:57:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='Is it just me, or do you guys see raining loaves? 
                   [click=RUN_COMMAND;/breadrain][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&ssaClick to teleport to the event!]CLICK HERE[/hover][/click]'  Type='ALL' 
15:57:48 [INFO] +- Queue 'BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition' Executing: (line 60) REPEAT stop ---------+ 
15:57:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'REPEAT': stop='true' 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Completing queue 'BREAD_RAIN_TEST_NovemberMineEdition' in 190ms. 
15:57:48 [INFO]  Completing queue 'EXCOMMAND_MethodCitizensImprovement' in 191ms. 
15:57:53 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'breadrain' in queue 'BREADRAIN_TimesEstPunishment' while executing command 'TELEPORT' in file 
                   '\scripts\BreadRainEvent.dsc' on line '73' with player 'p@cd5de6a4-2a73-4959-9d1f-d8dfae370c28 (FlimsyNimsy)'!
     Error Message: Tag <server.flag[breadrain_location]> is invalid! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
15:57:53 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'breadrain' in queue 'BREADRAIN_TimesEstPunishment' while executing command 'TELEPORT' in file 
                   '\scripts\BreadRainEvent.dsc' on line '73' with player 'p@cd5de6a4-2a73-4959-9d1f-d8dfae370c28 (FlimsyNimsy)'!
     Error Message: 'server.flag[breadrain_location]' is an unknown argument! This was probably caused by a tag not parsing 
                   properly. ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
15:57:53 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'breadrain' in queue 'BREADRAIN_TimesEstPunishment' while executing command 'TELEPORT' in file 
                   '\scripts\BreadRainEvent.dsc' on line '73' with player 'p@cd5de6a4-2a73-4959-9d1f-d8dfae370c28 (FlimsyNimsy)'!
     Error Message: Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
15:57:53 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] +> MESSAGE follows: 'Must specify a location!' 
15:57:53 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] Usage: teleport (<entity>|...) [<location>] 
15:57:53 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] (Attempted: TELEPORT <player> <server.flag[breadrain_location]>)