Paste #6797: Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/07/12 14:19:28 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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"Blademaster Ziso":
    type: assignment
    interact scripts:
        - 100 Blademaster

    type: Interact
        mode: none
        Click Trigger:
                - engage
                - chat "I am an old blademaster."
                - wait 1
                - chat "I will give you some food if you will help me with one small thing. Will you help me? (Yes/No)"
                - disengage
        Chat Trigger:
                Trigger: /Yes/
                    - chat "Thank You! Could you please kill the bugs in the granary for me?"
                    - wait 1
                    - chat "Can you kill at least 10?"
                    - wait 1
                    - chat "Come back when you are done!"
                    - flag player bladeMasterGranaryQuest:true
                    - flag player bugsKilled:0
                    - run AddObjective "def:Bug Stomping|Go to the granary near the outside of the wall in New Dalantum and clear out 10 of the bugs.|l@-1662.0,67.0,-83.0,world_newoverworld_6"
                    - zap
                Trigger: /No/
                    - chat "Fine. Then starve."
        Click Trigger:
                - chat "You're back!"
                - wait 1
                - if <player.flag[GranaryQuestComplete]> {
                    - chat "You already got the reward for killing those bugs."
                    - wait 1
                    - chat "I'm sorry, but i can't give you any more fish. I'm all out"
                - if <player.flag[bugsKilled]> >= 10 && !<player.flag[GranaryQuestComplete]> {
                    - chat "I see you have killed 10 bugs for me."
                    - wait 1
                    - chat "Here is your reward."
                    - wait 1
                    - give i@raw_fish qty:10
                    - chat "If you eat enough fish, maybe you can be a blademaster too!"
                    - flag player GranaryQuestComplete:true
                    - run CompleteObjective "def:Bug Stomping"
                - if <player.flag[bugsKilled]> < 10 {
                    - chat "You have only killed <player.flag[bugsKilled].asint>"
                    - wait 1
                    - chat "Come back when you have killed 10"

    type: assignment
    interact scripts:
        - 100 Dummy
        on death by player:
            - if <player.flag[bladeMasterGranaryQuest]> && <player.flag[bugsKilled]> < 10 {
                - flag player bugsKilled:++
                - narrate "You have killed <player.flag[bugsKilled].asint> of 10 bugs"