Paste #69027: Untitled Paste

Date: 2020/05/15 14:20:51 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: command
  debug: false
  name: saveshop
  description: save the testshop
  usage: /saveshop
  permission: SkyBread.SaveShop
  tab complete:
  - if !<player.is_op||<context.server>>:
    - stop
  - if <context.args.is_empty>:
    - narrate "Saving all SkyBread shops..."
    #List the Shop Categories, each defined as "Category"
    - foreach <script[SkyBread_Shop_Data].list_keys[Item_Data]> as:Category:
      #For every item inside that Category
      - foreach <script[SkyBread_Shop_Data].list_keys[Item_Data.<[Category]>].alphabetical> as:Item:
        #Get the Item_Data (buy/sell prices) of each item in that category
        - define Item_Data <script[SkyBread_Shop_Data].yaml_key[Item_Data.<[Category]>.<[Item]>]>
        #If "Items" (list of all the items) doesn't exist, or the size (item count) is less than or equal to 45, add the item to the list
        ##here is the problem
        - if !<[Items].exists> || <[Items].size> <= 45:
          - define "Items:->:<item[SB_Shop_Item].with[material=<[Item]>;display_name=<&b><[Item][_].with[<&sp>].to_titlecase>;nbt=<list[Shop_Item/<[Item_data]>]>;Lore=<list[<&7>Buy Price: $<&a><[Item_Data].before[/]>|<&7>Sell Price: $<&c><[Item_Data].after[/]>|<empty>|<&a>Left click to buy|<&c>Right click to sell|<&9>MMB to adjust amount]>]>"
        #If not, define a new term, "Items2", where the second page of the items belong
        - else:
          - define "Items2:->:<item[SB_Shop_Item].with[material=<[Item]>;display_name=<&b><[Item][_].with[<&sp>].to_titlecase>;nbt=<list[Shop_Item/<[Item_data]>]>;Lore=<list[<&7>Buy Price: $<&a><[Item_Data].before[/]>|<&7>Sell Price: $<&c><[Item_Data].after[/]>|<empty>|<&a>Left click to buy|<&c>Right click to sell|<&9>MMB to adjust amount]>]>"
      #Create the Inventory that includes the first page's contents
      - define Inventory "<inventory[generic[size=54;contents=<[Items]>;title=SkyBread Shop » <[Category].to_titlecase>]]>"
      #Set the arrow in slot 46, that takes you back to the Shop Categories page
      - inventory set d:<[Inventory]> slot:46 o:<item[SB_Shop_Item].with[material=arrow;display_name=<&a><&l>Go<&sp>Back;nbt=<list[Action/Shop]>]>
      #This narration is used to debug the item count, which is where I encounter my issue. For example, the ore's item count is 16, but <[Items].size> returns 46
      - narrate "<[Category]> = <[Items].size>"
      #If the Item count is greather than 45, create the next page that includes the other items
      - if <[Items].size> > 45:
      #-&& <[Items].size> < 90:
        #Store the value of the next page of the Category's inventory
        - flag server "SkyBread.Shop.<[Category]>.Page2:<inventory[generic[size=54;contents=<[Items2]>;title=SkyBread Shop » <[Category].to_titlecase>]]>"
        #The SkyBread.Shop.ActiveWindow flag determine which category the "Back" arrow of the second page returns to
        - flag player SkyBread.Shop.ActiveWindow:<[Category]>
        #Place the Back arrow that returns to the first page of the category in slot:46
        - inventory set d:<server.flag[SkyBread.Shop.<[Category]>.Page2]> slot:46 o:<item[SB_Shop_Item].with[material=tipped_arrow;display_name=<&a><&l>Back;nbt=<list[Action/<player.flag[SkyBread.Shop.ActiveWindow]>;potion_effects=<list[instant_heal,false,false]>]>]>
        #Add a "Next" Arrow on the first page, that redirects the player to the second page of the category
        - inventory set d:<[Inventory]> slot:54 o:<item[SB_Shop_Item].with[material=tipped_arrow;display_name=<&a><&l>Next;nbt=<list[Action/<[Category]>_Page2]>;potion_effects=JUMP,0,2400]>
      #Remove the ActiveWindow flag
      - flag player SkyBread.Shop.ActiveWindow:!
      #Save the current inventory (page 1) as server SkyBread.Shop.<[Category]>, so that each time the /shop [category] command won't have to procedurally generate the items again.
      - flag server SkyBread.Shop.<[Category]>:<[Inventory]>
    - narrate "<&a><&l>Shops saved!"
  - else:
    - narrate "<&c>Incorrect command usage! Type /saveshop"