Paste #69507: Untitled Paste

Date: 2020/05/24 12:26:11 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: world
    on player enters notable cuboid:
      - define parkour_level <context.cuboids.filter[notable_name.starts_with[parkour_level]].after[_].after[_]||null>:
      - if <[parkour_level]> == null:
        - stop
      - if <player.has_flag[parkour]>:
        - flag player parkour:<[parkour_level]> duration:10m
        - ratelimit <player> 5m
        - narrate "<&a><&l>You made it to Level <[parkour_level]>!"
        - title "title:<&c>Level <[parkour_level]>"
      - else:
        - narrate "<&c>Talk to the Parkour Master before attempting the course!"

#  Commented so I know what the original was
#    on player enters parkour_level_3:
#      - if <player.has_flag[parkour]>:
#        - flag player parkour:3 duration:10m
#        - ratelimit <player> 5m
#        - narrate "<&a><&l>You made it to Level 3!"
#        - title "title:<&c>Level 3"
#      - else:
#        - narrate "<&c>Talk to the Parkour Master before attempting the course!"

    on player enters parkour_finish_line:
      - if <player.has_permission[not.a.perm]>:
        - narrate "<&c>You can't play for real. But you made it to the top!"
      - teleport <player> parkour_complete
      - wait 1t
      - flag player parkour:!
      - title "title:<&a>Complete!"
      - playsound <player> sound:entity_level_up volume:1.0 pitch:0.8
      - firework <player.location> power:0.2 star primary:yellow fade:white flicker
      - narrate "<&a><&l>You made it! Check the leaderboard!"

    on player enters parkour_fall_reset:
      - if <player.has_flag[parkour]>:
        - define parkour_map <map[0/<player.location>|1/parkour_respawn_1|2/parkour_respawn_2|3/parkour_respawn_3]>
        - teleport <[parkour_map].get[<player.flag[parkour]>]>

  type: command
  name: parkour
  description: Starts the parkour
  usage: /parkour
  permission: custom.command.parkour
    - adjust <queue> linked_player:<server.match_player[<context.args.get[1]>]>
    - if <player.has_flag[parkour]>:
      - if <player.is_sneaking>:
        - narrate "<&a>You have been removed from the challenge!"
        - flag player parkour:!
        - stop
      - narrate "<&a><&l>You are ready to go!"
    - else:
      - flag player parkour:0 duration:10
      - narrate "<&2><&m>=============================================<&nl><&nl><&a>           Hey <&2><player.display_name><&nl><&a>    do you think you can make it to the top?<&nl><&nl><&7>  Game<&co><&a><&l> Spawn Parkour<&r><&nl><&nl>  <&7>Instructions<&co><&a> Make your way to the top of the course<&nl><&a>    Sneak Right-Click the parkour master to end,<&nl><&a>    or type <&d>/parkour quit<&nl><&nl><&2><&m>============================================="