Java Version: 1.8.0_241 Up-time: 34m Server Version: CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-e8ded36-acbc348 (MC: 1.12.2) Denizen Version: Core: 1.80-SNAPSHOT (Build 643), CraftBukkit: 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT (build 4816-DEV) Active Plugins (78): 2CleanroomGenerator: 1.0.0, 2FishingHunger: 1.0, 2CommandLogger: 0.01, 2PlaceholderAPI: 2.9.2, 2Craftconomy3: 3.3.1-SNAPSHOT-681967b-trv198, 2PythonLoader: 0.3.4, 2PowerNBT:, 2SimpleReserve: 0.6.0, 2Recount: 3.3.2, 2AutoRestart: 3.3.3, 2LogBlockQuestioner: 0.02, 2VoxelSniper: 5.171.0-SNAPSHOT, 2ViaVersion: 2.2.3, 2MuddersMilk: 1.7, 2CoreProtect: 2.14.4, 2TopLite: 1.3.1, 2dynmap: 2.5-Dev201706100405, 2LuckPerms: 4.3.99, 2OpenInv: 3.3.0, 2Shortify: 1.6.2, 2WorldBorder: 1.8.2, 2ActionHealth: 3.2.2, 2Multiverse-Core: 2.5.0-b727, 2ProtocolLib: 4.4.0, 2DeathMessagesPrime: 1.12.25, 2LibsDisguises: 9.5.2, 2OpenTerrainGenerator: 1.12.2 v6, 2FastAsyncWorldEdit: 18.04.27-2ec9a92-1089-19.5.23, 2EffectLib: 6.1, 2Register: 1.9, 2mcMMO: 1.5.10-SNAPSHOT, 2Multiverse-Portals: 2.5.0-b751, 2Vault: 1.6.7-b${env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}, 2WorldGen: 1.2.0, 2ColoredAnvils: 1.08, 2BKCommonLib: 1.12.2-v4, 2LWC: 2.0.7, 2HolographicDisplays: 2.3.2, 2Holograms: 2.6-SNAPSHOT, 2Multiverse-Inventories: 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b444, 2Multiverse-NetherPortals: 2.5.0-b717, 2RandomLocation: 4.78, 2UltimateCards: 1.3.6, 2boosCooldowns: 3.14.1, 2WorldEdit: 6.1.9-SNAPSHOT;3721-fbd6f13, 2VentureChat: 2.12.2, 2pvparena:, 2LightCleaner: 1.12.2-v2, 2Citizens: 2.0.26-SNAPSHOT (build 1970), 2VanishNoPacket: 3.20, 2FastTravelWaypoints: 1.0, 2CommandBook: 2.5-SNAPSHOT.1772-dbe6a13, 2Honeypot: 1.4.5, 2LogBlock: 1.12, 2WorldGuard: 6.2.2-SNAPSHOT;8eeab68, 2Shop:, 2MagicSpells: 3.6-dev-1812230430, 2Blacksmith: 1.12, 2MagicSpellsShop: 1.6-dev-1812230430, 2Denizen: 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT (build 4816-DEV), 2ExtraContexts: 1.0-SNAPSHOT, 2CraftBook: 3.9-SNAPSHOT-jenkins-CraftBook-215, 2dDiscordBot: 0.6 (build 81), 2MobArena: 0.104.2, 2NoEnderpearl: 1.7, 2HomeSpawnPlus: 641, 2MythicMobs: 4.9.2-SNAPSHOT-3307, 2Quests: 3.9.1-b86, 2WorldSchematics2: 2.7.2, 2MythicMobsExtension: 1.552-SNAPSHOT, 2MythicDenizenAddon: 0.602-SNAPSHOT, 2MobArenaExtension: 0.1-SNAPSHOT, 2Skinner: 3.1.1, 2Depenizen: 2.0.0 (build 618), 2MythicArtifacts: 0.1.28-SNAPSHOT, 2PluginLibrary: 1.2.2, 2Statz: 1.5.2, 2Autorank: 4.2.7 Loaded Worlds (9): prosperus, prosperus_nether, prosperus_the_end, ultimatus, infinitus, heavens, training, landmarks, avenfeld Online Players (1): Wahrheit7(Wahrheit) Offline Players: 4437 Mode: online 13:06:59 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'EXCOMMAND_6Thread1TanksdKick6' with player 'Wahrheit'... 13:06:59 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'EXCOMMAND_6Thread1TanksdKickd' Executing: f8(line 1)f GIVE ImbuedWarhammer_sealed_potentiald ---------+ 13:06:59 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fscript.yaml_key[lore_list].escaped8> with 'fli&atel&at<&amp9><&ampo>Veteran&pipeel&at<&ampf>This warhammer has a mystic presence&dot&pipeel&at<&ampc>Strikes multiple enemies in an area when charged&pipeel&at<&amp6>Sealed Potential&pipe8'. 13:06:59 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'blore_builderc' in queue 'LORE_BUILDER_6Stone1Strongly7Hydrogenc' while executing command 'bFOREACHc' in file 'b\scripts\utilities\LoreBuilder.dscc' on line 'b9c' with player 'bp@902c088b-cc03-4ac5-ab5d-a23dc9cac212a (Wahrheit)c'! 7 Error Message: fNo tag-base handler for '&9'.7 ... cEnable debug on the script for more information. 13:06:59 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'blore_builderc' in queue 'LORE_BUILDER_6Stone1Strongly7Hydrogenc' while executing command 'bFOREACHc' in file 'b\scripts\utilities\LoreBuilder.dscc' on line 'b9c' with player 'bp@902c088b-cc03-4ac5-ab5d-a23dc9cac212a (Wahrheit)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <&9> is invalid!7 ... cEnable debug on the script for more information. 13:06:59 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'blore_builderc' in queue 'LORE_BUILDER_6Stone1Strongly7Hydrogenc' while executing command 'bFOREACHc' in file 'b\scripts\utilities\LoreBuilder.dscc' on line 'b9c' with player 'bp@902c088b-cc03-4ac5-ab5d-a23dc9cac212a (Wahrheit)c'! 7 Error Message: fNo tag-base handler for '&o'.7 ... cEnable debug on the script for more information. 13:06:59 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'blore_builderc' in queue 'LORE_BUILDER_6Stone1Strongly7Hydrogenc' while executing command 'bFOREACHc' in file 'b\scripts\utilities\LoreBuilder.dscc' on line 'b9c' with player 'bp@902c088b-cc03-4ac5-ab5d-a23dc9cac212a (Wahrheit)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <&o> is invalid!7 ... cEnable debug on the script for more information. 13:06:59 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'blore_builderc' in queue 'LORE_BUILDER_6Stone1Strongly7Hydrogenc' while executing command 'bFOREACHc' in file 'b\scripts\utilities\LoreBuilder.dscc' on line 'b9c' with player 'bp@902c088b-cc03-4ac5-ab5d-a23dc9cac212a (Wahrheit)c'! 7 Error Message: fNo tag-base handler for '&f'.7 ... cEnable debug on the script for more information. 13:06:59 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'blore_builderc' in queue 'LORE_BUILDER_6Stone1Strongly7Hydrogenc' while executing command 'bFOREACHc' in file 'b\scripts\utilities\LoreBuilder.dscc' on line 'b9c' with player 'bp@902c088b-cc03-4ac5-ab5d-a23dc9cac212a (Wahrheit)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <&f> is invalid!7 ... cEnable debug on the script for more information. 13:06:59 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'blore_builderc' in queue 'LORE_BUILDER_6Stone1Strongly7Hydrogenc' while executing command 'bFOREACHc' in file 'b\scripts\utilities\LoreBuilder.dscc' on line 'b9c' with player 'bp@902c088b-cc03-4ac5-ab5d-a23dc9cac212a (Wahrheit)c'! 7 Error Message: fNo tag-base handler for '&c'.7 ... cEnable debug on the script for more information. 13:06:59 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'blore_builderc' in queue 'LORE_BUILDER_6Stone1Strongly7Hydrogenc' while executing command 'bFOREACHc' in file 'b\scripts\utilities\LoreBuilder.dscc' on line 'b9c' with player 'bp@902c088b-cc03-4ac5-ab5d-a23dc9cac212a (Wahrheit)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <&c> is invalid!7 ... cEnable debug on the script for more information. 13:06:59 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'blore_builderc' in queue 'LORE_BUILDER_6Stone1Strongly7Hydrogenc' while executing command 'bFOREACHc' in file 'b\scripts\utilities\LoreBuilder.dscc' on line 'b9c' with player 'bp@902c088b-cc03-4ac5-ab5d-a23dc9cac212a (Wahrheit)c'! 7 Error Message: fNo tag-base handler for '&6'.7 ... cEnable debug on the script for more information. 13:06:59 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'blore_builderc' in queue 'LORE_BUILDER_6Stone1Strongly7Hydrogenc' while executing command 'bFOREACHc' in file 'b\scripts\utilities\LoreBuilder.dscc' on line 'b9c' with player 'bp@902c088b-cc03-4ac5-ab5d-a23dc9cac212a (Wahrheit)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <&6> is invalid!7 ... cEnable debug on the script for more information. 13:06:59 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'blinewrapc' in queue 'LINEWRAP_fSaladbRough9Biolc' while executing command 'bDEFINEc' in file 'b\scripts\utilities\MessageConstructorLibrary.dscc' on line 'b409c' with player 'bp@902c088b-cc03-4ac5-ab5d-a23dc9cac212a (Wahrheit)c'! 7 Error Message: f'tern[a]:b||c' tag style is deprecated. Please use 'tern[a].pass[b].fail[c]' tag style instead.7 ... cEnable debug on the script for more information. 13:06:59 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'blinewrapc' in queue 'LINEWRAP_fSaladbRough9Biolc' while executing command 'bDEFINEc' in file 'b\scripts\utilities\MessageConstructorLibrary.dscc' on line 'b402c' with player 'bp@902c088b-cc03-4ac5-ab5d-a23dc9cac212a (Wahrheit)c'! 7 Error Message: f'element.as_int' tag is deprecated: use '.round', '.round_down', or '.round_up'.7 ... cEnable debug on the script for more information. 13:06:59 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fproc[lore_builder].context[40|li&atel&at<&amp9><&ampo>Veteran&pipeel&at<&ampf>This warhammer has a mystic presence&dot&pipeel&at<&ampc>Strikes multiple enemies in an area when charged&pipeel&at<&amp6>Sealed Potential&pipe]8> with 'f8li@e &9&oVeteran 8|e &fThis warhammer has a mystic presence. 8|e &ssf&cStrikes multiple enemies in an area 8|e fwhen charged 8|e &6Sealed Potential8'. 13:06:59 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&98> with 'f98'. 13:06:59 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eGIVE8': 8Type='eITEM8' 8inventory='ein@player[holder=p@902c088b-cc03-4ac5-ab5d-a23dc9cac212]8' 8Quantity='e1.08' 8engrave='efalse8' 8unlimit_stack_size='efalse8' 8Items='e[i@diamond_sword[display_name=&ss9Imbued Diamond Warhammer;enchantments=DAMAGE_ALL,6;lore=li@el@&amp9&ampoVeteran|el@&ampfThis warhammer has a mystic presence.|el@&ampssf&ampcStrikes multiple enemies in an area|el@fwhen charged|el@&amp6Sealed Potential|;nbt=li@el@sealed_potential/true|el@weapon_type/warhammer|el@equipment_type/weapon|el@item_tier/veteran|;nbt_attributes=li@el@generic&ampdotmovementSpeed/mainhand/1/0.1|el@generic&ampdotattackSpeed/mainhand/1/-0.77|el@generic&ampdotattackDamage/mainhand/0/14.0|;raw_nbt=map@ench/el@list:10:li@map@lvl&fsel@short:6&amppipeid&fsel@short:16&amppipe&pipe|]]8' 8slot='e18' 13:06:59 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'EXCOMMAND_6Thread1TanksdKick6' in 9ms.