Paste #7070: Cookies

Date: 2014/07/18 09:56:02 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# COOKIES is a small interact script example for 0.8.4+
# This script is kept simple to allow a base scripting example to extend upon.
# Tell the npc 'cookies' and get a treat!
# Note: Be sure the 'chat trigger' is enabled.
# @author aufdemrand
# @version 1.0
# @last-updated Jan 18 2013

    type: assignment

      on assignment:
      - trigger name:chat toggle:true
      - trigger name:click toggle:true

    interact scripts:
    - 10 Cookie Greeting

'Cookie Greeting':
    type: interact

        'Spreading the Word*':

            click trigger:
                - random 3
                - chat 'I like cookies!'
                - chat 'MMmm.. cookies are my favorite!'
                - chat 'Cocoa and wheat make me freak!'

            chat trigger:

                    trigger: 'I want /cookie/s!'
                    - chat 'Me too!'
                    - narrate '<> gives you some cookies.'
                    - give item:cookie qty:6
                    - zap 'step:Cookies given'

        'Cookies given':

            click trigger:
                - chat 'How were the cookies?'

            chat trigger:

                    trigger: 'I want /cookie/s!'
                    - chat "Don't Be Greedy -_-"
                    - take item:cookie qty:1
                    - attack <>

                    trigger: "I'm /Sorry/"
                    - chat "Okay don't let it happen again"
                    - attack stop