Paste #73266: zzzzzzzzz

Date: 2020/07/28 02:56:35 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world
    debug: true

        on server start:
            - wait 5s
            - run bot_init instantly context:-a
            - wait 1s
            - discord id:lunaboot message channel:<server.flag[]> "*- Server has started -*"

        on player chats:
            - choose <player.flag[channel]>:
                - case default:
                    - discord id:lunaboot channel:<server.flag[]> message "**<player.groups.get[1]||[Player]>** **<player.display_name.strip_color>**: <context.message.strip_color>"
                - case staff:
                    - discord id:lunaboot channel:<server.flag[]> message "**<player.groups.get[1]||[Player]>** **<player.display_name.strip_color>**: <context.message.strip_color>"

        on discord message received for:discord_chat_relay:
        # Check if the author is the bot, or if the message received is a webhook.
        - if <||Webhook> == <>:
            - stop
        # Check if the channel is being sent in the mainchat, if the message is blank
        - choose <>:
            - case <server.flag[]> && <context.message> != "":
                - announce format:DiscordRelayChatFormat " | <[<>]||<>><&r> <&8>»<&f> <context.message.parse_color>"
            - case <server.flag[]> && <context.message> != "":
                - narrate "<&e><&a>Staff Chat Discord<&e> » <[<>]||<>><&r> <&8>»<&f> <context.message.parse_color>" targets:<server.online_players_flagged[staffchat].filter[flag[staffchat].is[==].to[allow]]>

        on player first join:
          - discord id:discord_chat_relay message channel:<server.flag[]> "<&co>confetti_ball<&co> **<> has logged in for the first time. Welcome them!** <&co>confetti_ball<&co>" 
        on player dies:
          - discord id:discord_chat_relay message channel:<server.flag[]> "<&co>skull<&co> **<context.message>**" 
        on shutdown:
          - discord id:discord_chat_relay message channel:<server.flag[]> "<&co>octagonal_sign<&co> **Server is restarting - Please wait**"
          - flag server discord.botstatus:!

    type: task
    debug: true
    definitions: Arg2
        - if !<server.list_files[data].contains[lbot_config.yml]>:
            - announce to_console "<&2>Configuration file missing.<&nl>Stopping bot..."
            - stop
        - yaml load:data/lbot_config.yml id:lbot_config_temp
        - flag server discord.key:loaded
        # Full Reload
        - if <[Arg2]> == "-a":
            - flag server discord:!
            - discord id:lunaboot disconnect
        # Connect the Bot
          - discord id:lunaboot connect code:<yaml[lbot_config_temp].read[bots.discord.botToken]>
          - flag server botstatus:running
        - flag server<yaml[lbot_config_temp].read[bots.discord.discordlink]>

        # Flags all the channels
        - flag server discord.channels:!
        - define Channels <yaml[lbot_config_temp].list_keys[]>
        - flag server discord.channels:|:<[Channels]>
        - foreach <[Channels].exclude[bridge]> as:Channel:
            - flag server<[Channel]>:<yaml[lbot_config_temp].read[<[Channel]>]>

        - flag server<yaml[lbot_config_temp].read[]>
        - flag server<yaml[lbot_config_temp].read[]>
        - yaml unload id:lbot_config_temp
        - flag server discord.key:!