Paste #7446: travel

Date: 2014/07/24 18:48:46 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: world
    on spawn command:
    - define damage <[1].to[5]> 
    - ^adjust <player> food_level:<p@player.food_level.sub[2]>
    - narrate "you travel to your destination"
    - if %damage% == 2 {
      - narrate "you get attacked along the way and lose 2 hearts"
      - hurt 4 <player>
    on home command:
    - define damage <[1].to[5]> 
    - ^adjust <player> food_level:<p@player.food_level.sub[2]>
    - narrate "you travel to your destination"
    - if %damage% == 2 {
      - narrate "you get attacked along the way and lose 2 hearts"
      - hurt 4 <player>
    on back command:
    - define damage <[1].to[5]> 
    - ^adjust <player> food_level:<p@player.food_level.sub[2]>
    - narrate "you travel to your destination"
    - if %damage% == 2 {
      - narrate "you get attacked along the way and lose 2 hearts"
      - hurt 4 <player>