Paste #75653: Denizen Debug Logs From A Minecraft Server

Date: 2020/09/14 13:53:08 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_191
Up-time: 2m 6s
Server Version: Paper version git-Paper-385 (MC: 1.15.2)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.90-SNAPSHOT (Build 734), CraftBukkit: 1.1.7-SNAPSHOT (build 5067-DEV)
Active Plugins (9): LuckPerms: 5.1.26, spark: 1.4.1, Vault: 1.7.2-b107, Prism: 2.1.6-127, Citizens: 2.0.27-SNAPSHOT (build 2075), 
Denizen: 1.1.7-SNAPSHOT (build 5067-DEV), GriefPrevention: 16.13.0, Depenizen: 2.0.0 (build 637), 
GriefPreventionFlags: 5.9.1
Loaded Worlds (3): world, world_nether, world_the_end
Online Players (1): Hydroxycobalamin(Hydroxycobalamin)
Offline Players: 0
Mode: online

22:52:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'fisherassignment' in queue 'FISHERASSIGNMENT_MelRelocationBacterial' while executing command 'walk' in file 
                   '\scripts\NPC\Fisher.dsc' on line '13' with NPC 'n@0 (Hello)'!
     Error Message: NPC Anchor 'Fisher_1' is not defined. ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
22:52:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'fisherassignment' in queue 'FISHERASSIGNMENT_MelRelocationBacterial' while executing command 'walk' in file 
                   '\scripts\NPC\Fisher.dsc' on line '13' with NPC 'n@0 (Hello)'!
     Error Message: Tag <npc.anchor[Fisher_1]> is invalid! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
22:52:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'fisherassignment' in queue 'FISHERASSIGNMENT_MelRelocationBacterial' while executing command 'walk' in file 
                   '\scripts\NPC\Fisher.dsc' on line '13' with NPC 'n@0 (Hello)'!
     Error Message: 'npc.anchor[Fisher_1]' is an unknown argument! This was probably caused by a tag not parsing properly. ... Enable debug on the 
                   script for more information. 
22:52:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'fisherassignment' in queue 'FISHERASSIGNMENT_MelRelocationBacterial' while executing command 'walk' in file 
                   '\scripts\NPC\Fisher.dsc' on line '13' with NPC 'n@0 (Hello)'!
     Error Message: Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
22:52:51 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] +> MESSAGE follows: 'Must specify a location!' 
22:52:51 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] Usage: walk (<entity>|...) [<location>/stop] (speed:<#.#>) (auto_range) (radius:<#.#>) (lookat:<location>) 
22:52:51 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] (Attempted: walk <npc.anchor[Fisher_1]>) 
22:52:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'fisherassignment' in queue 'FISHERASSIGNMENT_MelRelocationBacterial' while executing command 'TELEPORT' in file 
                   '\scripts\NPC\Fisher.dsc' on line '14' with NPC 'n@0 (Hello)'!
     Error Message: Tag <npc.flag[shop_location]> is invalid! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
22:52:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'fisherassignment' in queue 'FISHERASSIGNMENT_MelRelocationBacterial' while executing command 'TELEPORT' in file 
                   '\scripts\NPC\Fisher.dsc' on line '14' with NPC 'n@0 (Hello)'!
     Error Message: 'npc.flag[shop_location]' is an unknown argument! This was probably caused by a tag not parsing properly. ... Enable debug on the 
                   script for more information. 
22:52:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'fisherassignment' in queue 'FISHERASSIGNMENT_MelRelocationBacterial' while executing command 'TELEPORT' in file 
                   '\scripts\NPC\Fisher.dsc' on line '14' with NPC 'n@0 (Hello)'!
     Error Message: Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
22:52:51 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] +> MESSAGE follows: 'Must specify a location!' 
22:52:51 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] Usage: teleport (<entity>|...) [<location>] 
22:52:51 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] (Attempted: TELEPORT <npc.flag[shop_location]>) 
22:52:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'timednpcs' in queue 'TIMEDNPCS_ShanghaiRugsRead' while executing command 'ACTION' in file '\scripts\NPC\NPC.dsc' on line '25'!
     Error Message: Tag <server.flag[npcs].to_map.get[smithery]> is invalid! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
22:52:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'timednpcs' in queue 'TIMEDNPCS_ShanghaiRugsRead' while executing command 'ACTION' in file '\scripts\NPC\NPC.dsc' on line '25'!
     Error Message: 'server.flag[npcs].to_map.get[smithery]' is an unknown argument! This was probably caused by a tag not parsing properly. ... 
                   Enable debug on the script for more information. 
22:52:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'timednpcs' in queue 'TIMEDNPCS_ShanghaiRugsRead' while executing command 'ACTION' in file '\scripts\NPC\NPC.dsc' on line '25'!
     Error Message: Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
22:52:51 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] +> MESSAGE follows: 'Must specify an NPC to use!' 
22:52:51 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] Usage: action [<action name>|...] (<npc>|...) (context:<name>|<object>|...) 
22:52:51 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] (Attempted: ACTION custom <server.flag[npcs].to_map.get[smithery]>) 
22:52:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'timednpcs' in queue 'TIMEDNPCS_ShanghaiRugsRead' while executing command 'ACTION' in file '\scripts\NPC\NPC.dsc' on line '26'!
     Error Message: Tag <server.flag[npcs].to_map.get[librarian]> is invalid! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
22:52:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'timednpcs' in queue 'TIMEDNPCS_ShanghaiRugsRead' while executing command 'ACTION' in file '\scripts\NPC\NPC.dsc' on line '26'!
     Error Message: 'server.flag[npcs].to_map.get[librarian]' is an unknown argument! This was probably caused by a tag not parsing properly. ... 
                   Enable debug on the script for more information. 
22:52:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'timednpcs' in queue 'TIMEDNPCS_ShanghaiRugsRead' while executing command 'ACTION' in file '\scripts\NPC\NPC.dsc' on line '26'!
     Error Message: Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
22:52:51 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] +> MESSAGE follows: 'Must specify an NPC to use!' 
22:52:51 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] Usage: action [<action name>|...] (<npc>|...) (context:<name>|<object>|...) 
22:52:51 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] (Attempted: ACTION custom <server.flag[npcs].to_map.get[librarian]>) 
22:52:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'timednpcs' in queue 'TIMEDNPCS_ShanghaiRugsRead' while executing command 'ACTION' in file '\scripts\NPC\NPC.dsc' on line '27'!
     Error Message: Cannot process list-entry 'n@23' as type 'NPCTag' (conversion returned null). ... Enable debug on the script for more 
22:52:52 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'fisherassignment' in queue 'FISHERASSIGNMENT_MelRelocationBacterial' while executing command 'ADJUSTBLOCK' in file 
                   '\scripts\NPC\Fisher.dsc' on line '17' with NPC 'n@0 (Hello)'!
     Error Message: Tag-base 'cuboid' returned null. ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
22:52:52 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'fisherassignment' in queue 'FISHERASSIGNMENT_MelRelocationBacterial' while executing command 'ADJUSTBLOCK' in file 
                   '\scripts\NPC\Fisher.dsc' on line '17' with NPC 'n@0 (Hello)'!
     Error Message: Tag <cuboid[fisherwindow].blocks> is invalid! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
22:52:52 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'fisherassignment' in queue 'FISHERASSIGNMENT_MelRelocationBacterial' while executing command 'ADJUSTBLOCK' in file 
                   '\scripts\NPC\Fisher.dsc' on line '17' with NPC 'n@0 (Hello)'!
     Error Message: 'switched:false' is an unknown argument! This was probably caused by a tag not parsing properly. ... Enable debug on the script 
                   for more information. 
22:52:52 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'fisherassignment' in queue 'FISHERASSIGNMENT_MelRelocationBacterial' while executing command 'ADJUSTBLOCK' in file 
                   '\scripts\NPC\Fisher.dsc' on line '17' with NPC 'n@0 (Hello)'!
     Error Message: Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
22:52:52 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] +> MESSAGE follows: 'You must specify a location!' 
22:52:52 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] Usage: adjustblock [<location>|...] [<mechanism>](:<value>) (no_physics) 
22:52:52 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] (Attempted: ADJUSTBLOCK <cuboid[fisherwindow].blocks> switched:false) 
22:52:58 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'EXCOMMAND_YourselfIconsSnow' with player 'Hydroxycobalamin'... 
22:52:58 [INFO] +- Queue 'EXCOMMAND_YourselfIconsSnow' Executing: (line 1) NARRATE <inventory[myinventory].size> ---------+ 
22:52:58 [INFO]  Filled tag <inventory[myinventory].size> with '9'. 
22:52:58 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='9'  Targets='[p@389c52d3-4af2-4c74-8119-c78da351412f (Hydroxycobalamin)]' 
22:52:58 [INFO]  Completing queue 'EXCOMMAND_YourselfIconsSnow' in 0ms. 
22:53:03 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'EXCOMMAND_GuineaRecordsCombinations' with player 'Hydroxycobalamin'... 
22:53:03 [INFO] +- Queue 'EXCOMMAND_GuineaRecordsCombinations' Executing: (line 1) ADJUST <inventory[myinventory]> size:18 ---------+ 
22:53:03 [INFO]  Filled tag <inventory[myinventory]> with 'in@myinventory'. 
22:53:03 [INFO] +> Executing 'ADJUST': object='li@ in@myinventory'  mechanism='size'  mechanism_value='18' 
22:53:03 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'size' on object of type 'Inventory'... 
22:53:03 [INFO]  Completing queue 'EXCOMMAND_GuineaRecordsCombinations' in 1ms. 
22:53:06 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'EXCOMMAND_GbpCapabilityRegardless' with player 'Hydroxycobalamin'... 
22:53:06 [INFO] +- Queue 'EXCOMMAND_GbpCapabilityRegardless' Executing: (line 1) NARRATE <inventory[myinventory].size> ---------+ 
22:53:06 [INFO]  Filled tag <inventory[myinventory].size> with '9'. 
22:53:06 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='9'  Targets='[p@389c52d3-4af2-4c74-8119-c78da351412f (Hydroxycobalamin)]' 
22:53:06 [INFO]  Completing queue 'EXCOMMAND_GbpCapabilityRegardless' in 0ms.