Paste #7623: setlore

Date: 2014/07/29 13:29:45 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: world
    on BasicCommands command:
    - ^narrate "<gold>        -------Basiccommands-------"
    - ^narrate "<red>/hub. <blue>Spawns you back to our beautiful hub."
    - ^narrate "<red>/sprint. <blue>allows you to run really fast."
    - determine fulfilled
    on hub command:
    - teleport <player> <global.flag[hubpoint]>
    - ^adjust <player> food_level:<player.food_level.sub[2]>
    - narrate "You teleport to hub"
    - determine fulfilled
    on sprint command:
    - if <> == Hub {
      - execute as_server "effect <> SPEED 1 10" 
      - narrate "You teleport to hub"
      - determine fulfilled
    on sethub command:
    - if <player.is_op> {
      - flag global hubpoint:<player.location>
      - narrate "You set the hub"
      - determine fulfilled
    on setlore command:
    - if <player.is_op> {
      - adjust <player.item_in_hand> "lore:<context.parsed_args.get[1]>"
      - determine fulfilled