Paste #7638: Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/07/29 17:48:38 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: assignment
    interaction scripts:
    - 10 BankSecretary

    type: interact
            proximity trigger:
                - random 5
                - chat "Hello, glad of you to stop by!"
                - chat "I'm glad we have our Iron Golem protectors!"
                - chat "Feel free to make deposits!"
                - chat "It's not like money is worth anything in an apocalypse."
                - chat "We'll take all of your hard stolen cash!"
            click trigger:
                - chat "We make sure to store all of your money safely in our vault!"
                - wait 3
                - narrate "<dark_purple> The secretary sighs at you lovingly."
                - wait 2
                - chat "There is really no time for love these days is there?"
                - zap step:2
            click trigger:
                - chat "Hey, how's it going?"
                - wait 2
                - chat "I'm really bored... I wish I had a lover..."
                - wait 3
                - chat "They'd bring me peperonii..."
                - wait 2
                - chat "And carrots..."
                - wait 2
                - chat "God, I love carrots."
                - zap step:3            
            click trigger:
                - chat "Oh, hey babe... I mean <>..."
                - wait 3
                - chat "Now that sounds weird because you never told me your name."
                - wait 2
                - narrate "<dark_purple>You look at the Secretary suspiciously..."
                - wait 2
                - chat "I'm sorry... I just enjoy learning more about the clients!"
                - zap step:4
            click trigger:
                - chat "Oh hey, it's you again..."
                - wait 2
                - narrate "<dark_purple>The Secretary blushes."
                - wait 2
                - chat "Sorry... I, just think you're cute."
                - wait 2
                - chat "You just keep coming in here, and right clicking me... I think it's hot."
                - wait 3
                - chat "Sorry, that was weird... I'm just a bit hungry."
                - zap step:5
            click trigger:
                - chat "Hey, sorry about earlier, rations are a bit low."
                - wait 2
                - chat "Do you think you could bring me some carrots?"
                - wait 2
                - chat "I'm feel bad asking you for that, sorry. But it would be nice."
                - wait 3
                - chat "Maybe I could... award you with something..."
                - zap step:6
            click trigger:
                - if <player.inventory.contains[carrot].qty[3].as_int> >= {
                  - take carrot qty:3
                  - chat "Hey, thanks babe. I mean... if that's okay to call you that."
                  - wait 3
                  - chat "I think... I think I will just call you babe."
                  - wait 2
                  - chat "It's pretty much official anyways."
                  - wait 2
                  - chat "I think we should give each other something."
                  - wait 2
                  - narrate "<dark_purple>You look curiously at the Secretary."
                  - wait 2
                  - chat "Well, you already gave me carrots..."
                  - wait 2
                  - chat "I'll just give you the combo to the vault."
                  - wait 2
                  - chat "The vault combo is 4-1-2-3!"
                  - wait 2
                  - narrate "<dark_purple>You grin evily."
                  - wait 2
                  - chat "Why are you grinning? We're both in love!"
                  - wait 2
                  - narrate "<dark_purple> You walk away with a grim on your face."
                  - wait 2
                  - chat "Babe! Don't go away! I love you!!!"
                  - zap step:7
                  } else {
                  - chat "I wish I just have some carrots..."
            click trigger:
                - chat "Have you come back to me my love?"
                - wait 2
                - narrate "<dark_purple>You shake your head."
                - wait 2
                - chat "Oh darnit, I'll never find love here..."