Paste #78049: Denizen Debug Logs From

Date: 2020/11/24 03:40:14 UTC-08:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_252
Up-time: 3h 44m
Server Version: Paper version git-Paper-267 (MC: 1.16.4)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.90-SNAPSHOT (Build 762), CraftBukkit: 1.1.8-SNAPSHOT (build 5144-DEV)
Active Plugins (14): LuckPerms: 5.2.23, PlaceholderAPI: 2.10.9, TAB-BukkitBridge: 1.1, spark: 1.4.1, 
Vault: 1.7.3-b131, WorldEdit: 7.3.0-SNAPSHOT+5491-5ae691a, Citizens: 2.0.27-SNAPSHOT (build 2166), 
Denizen: 1.1.8-SNAPSHOT (build 5144-DEV), MythicMobs: 4.11.0-SNAPSHOT-SNAPSHOT, 
Vivecraft-Spigot-Extensions: 1.16.4-r1, CoreProtect: 19.2, Webizen: 0.2.5, 
Depenizen: 2.0.0 (build 670), MythicArtifacts: 0.1.30-SNAPSHOT
Loaded Worlds (1): world
Online Players (1): xExuxtxhxexrxixn(Eutherin),
Offline Players: 9
Mode: offline (BungeeCord)

06:39:50 [INFO]  Running script event 'PlayerClicksBlock', event='on player right clicks block with:daily_vote_key|weekly_vote_key' for script 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' with player 'Eutherin'... 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 155) IF !<server.has_flag[<context.location.simple>.daily_crate]> && 
                   !<server.has_flag[<context.location.simple>.weekly_crate]> ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.location.simple> with '-20,11,81,world'. 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag <server.has_flag[-20,11,81,world.daily_crate]> with 'true'. 
06:39:50 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 159) IF <server.has_flag[<context.location.simple>.daily_crate]> ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.location.simple> with '-20,11,81,world'. 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag <server.has_flag[-20,11,81,world.daily_crate]> with 'true'. 
06:39:50 [INFO]  If command passed, running block. 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 160) IF <player.item_in_hand> == <item[daily_vote_key]> ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.item_in_hand> with 'i@tripwire_hook[display=Daily Vote Crate 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Applying property 'display' on object of type 'Item'... 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Applying property 'enchantments' on object of type 'Item'... 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Applying property 'hides' on object of type 'Item'... 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Applying property 'nbt' on object of type 'Item'... 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Applying property 'script' on object of type 'Item'... 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'nbt' on object of type 'Item'... 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'hides' on object of type 'Item'... 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag <&b> with ''. 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag <item[daily_vote_key]> with 'i@tripwire_hook[display=Daily Vote Crate 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Applying property 'display' on object of type 'Item'... 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Applying property 'enchantments' on object of type 'Item'... 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Applying property 'hides' on object of type 'Item'... 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Applying property 'nbt' on object of type 'Item'... 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Applying property 'script' on object of type 'Item'... 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Comparable='ListTag(li@i@tripwire_hook[display=Daily Vote Crate 
                   Key;enchantments=unbreaking,3;hides=li@el@ENCHANTS&pipe;nbt=li@el@keytype/daily&pipe;script=DAILY_VOTE_KEY]|)', Operator='EQUALS', 
                   ComparedTo='ListTag(li@i@tripwire_hook[display=Daily Vote Crate 
                   Key;enchantments=unbreaking,3;hides=li@el@ENCHANTS&pipe;nbt=li@el@keytype/daily&pipe;script=DAILY_VOTE_KEY]|)' --> OUTCOME='true' 
06:39:50 [INFO]  If command passed, running block. 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 161) DETERMINE passively cancelled ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'DETERMINE': outcome='cancelled'  passively='true'  Queue='q@VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Event cancelled! 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 162) NARRATE "<&b>Opening daily crate" ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag <&b> with ''. 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='Opening daily crate'  Targets='[p@47951ae6-aab4-4f72-a40f-fae9003e1785 (Eutherin)]' 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 163) TAKE iteminhand ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'TAKE': Type='ITEMINHAND'  quantity='1'  inventory='in@player[holder=p@47951ae6-aab4-4f72-a40f-fae9003e1785]'  Items='null' 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 164) INJECT daily_gui_open ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'INJECT': script='s@daily_gui_open (TASK)' 
06:39:50 [INFO]  ERROR!
     Error Message: Inventory script "DAILY_VOTE_GUI" has an invalid slot item: [reward]... Ignoring it and assuming "AIR" 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 62) DEFINE chance 81 ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit'  definition='chance'  value='81' 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 63) CHOOSE <[chance]> ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag <[chance]> with '81'. 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHOOSE': choice='81' 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 116) DEFINE reward_slot "turtle_egg[display_name=Spawner Changer!;lore=I wonder 
                   which it will be!!]" ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit'  definition='reward_slot'  value='turtle_egg[display_name=Spawner 
                   Changer!;lore=I wonder which it will be!!]' 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 117) DEFINE win_action announce ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit'  definition='win_action'  value='announce' 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 118) DEFINE choose_egg 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag 
                   <list[pillager|piglin|magma_cube|husk|hoglin|drowned|creeper|cave_spider|blaze|zombified_piglin|zoglin|zombie|witch|spider|skeleton].random> with 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit'  definition='choose_egg'  value='pillager' 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 119) DEFINE win_message "<player.display_name><&e> just won a <&f>Spawner 
                   changer (<[choose_egg].replace[_].with[ ].to_titlecase>)" ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.display_name> with 'xExuxtxhxexrxixn'. 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag <&f> with ''. 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag <[choose_egg].replace[_].with[ ].to_titlecase> with 'Pillager'. 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit'  definition='win_message'  value='xExuxtxhxexrxixn just won a Spawner changer 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 120) DEFINE reward <[choose_egg]>_spawn_egg ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO]  Filled tag <[choose_egg]> with 'pillager'. 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit'  definition='reward'  value='pillager_spawn_egg' 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 121) DEFINE quantity 1 ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit'  definition='quantity'  value='1' 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 122) DEFINE reward <[filled_xp_vessel_level_5]> ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'daily_loot_contents' in queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' while executing command 'DEFINE' in file 
                   'scripts/new_vote_rewards.dsc' on line '122' with player 'p@47951ae6-aab4-4f72-a40f-fae9003e1785 (Eutherin)'!
     Error Message: Invalid definition name 'filled_xp_vessel_level_5'. 
06:39:50 [INFO]  ERROR!
     Error Message: Tag-base '' returned null. 
06:39:50 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'daily_loot_contents' in queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' while executing command 'DEFINE' in file 
                   'scripts/new_vote_rewards.dsc' on line '122' with player 'p@47951ae6-aab4-4f72-a40f-fae9003e1785 (Eutherin)'!
     Error Message: Tag <[filled_xp_vessel_level_5]> is invalid! 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit'  definition='reward'  value='[filled_xp_vessel_level_5]' 
06:39:50 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 123) DEFINE quantity 1 ---------+ 
06:39:50 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit'  definition='quantity'  value='1' 
06:40:04 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'daily_gui_open' in queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' while executing command 'GIVE' in file 
                   'scripts/new_vote_rewards.dsc' on line '50' with player 'p@47951ae6-aab4-4f72-a40f-fae9003e1785 (Eutherin)'!
     Error Message: '[filled_xp_vessel_level_5]' is an unknown argument! Did you forget quotes, or did you mess up the command syntax? ... Enable 
                   debug on the script for more information. 
06:40:04 [INFO] +> [Argument] Command usage: give [money/xp/<item>|...] (quantity:<#>) (unlimit_stack_size) (to:<inventory>) (slot:<slot>) 
06:40:04 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'daily_gui_open' in queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' while executing command 'GIVE' in file 
                   'scripts/new_vote_rewards.dsc' on line '50' with player 'p@47951ae6-aab4-4f72-a40f-fae9003e1785 (Eutherin)'!
     Error Message: Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
06:40:04 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] +> MESSAGE follows: 'Must specify item/items!' 
06:40:04 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] Usage: give [money/xp/<item>|...] (quantity:<#>) (unlimit_stack_size) (to:<inventory>) (slot:<slot>) 
06:40:04 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] (Attempted: GIVE <[reward]> quantity:<[quantity]>) 
06:40:04 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 165) IF <player.item_in_hand> == <item[weekly_vote_key]> ---------+ 
06:40:04 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
06:40:04 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.item_in_hand> with 'i@air'. 
06:40:04 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'nbt' on object of type 'Item'... 
06:40:04 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'hides' on object of type 'Item'... 
06:40:04 [INFO]  Filled tag <&b> with ''. 
06:40:04 [INFO]  Filled tag <item[weekly_vote_key]> with 'i@tripwire_hook[display=Weekly Vote Crate 
06:40:04 [INFO]  Comparable='Element(i@air)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(i@tripwire_hook[display=Weekly Vote Crate 
                   Key;enchantments=unbreaking,3;hides=li@el@ENCHANTS|;nbt=li@el@keytype/weekly|;script=WEEKLY_VOTE_KEY])' --> OUTCOME='false' 
06:40:04 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
06:40:04 [INFO] +- Queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' Executing: (line 168) IF <server.has_flag[<context.location.simple>.weekly_crate]> ---------+ 
06:40:04 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
06:40:04 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.location.simple> with '-20,11,81,world'. 
06:40:04 [INFO]  Filled tag <server.has_flag[-20,11,81,world.weekly_crate]> with 'false'. 
06:40:04 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
06:40:04 [INFO]  Completing queue 'VOTE_CRATE_KEY_EVENTS_HcAntiqueTransmit' in 13735ms.