Paste #7819: Edge Test

Date: 2014/08/02 20:39:30 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: world

    on server start:
    - note cu@46,67,40,world|48,67,40,world as:DreadEdge
    on player enters cu@DreadEdge:
    - if <player.flag[DreadWaiting]> {
        - ^run DreadPush

    type: task
    - ^cast slow power:6 duration:25
    - ^cast jump power:128 duration:25
    - playsound location:<player.location> sound:VILLAGER_IDLE pitch:0.6
    - ^chat npcid:14 targets:<player.location.find.players.within[5] "<yellow>Ye's a tough world out there, matey."
    - wait 3
    - playsound location:<player.location> sound:VILLAGER_IDLE pitch:0.6
    - ^chat npcid:14 targets:<player.location.find.players.within[5]> "<yellow>So please don't take this personally, aye?"
    - wait 4
    - playsound location:<player.location> sound:VILLAGER_YES pitch:0.6
    - ^chat npcid:14 targets:<player.location.find.players.within[5]> "<yellow>I like ye, but I like booty more. I want to keep yer cut."
    - wait 4
    - playsound location:<player.location> sound:VILLAGER_NO pitch:0.6
    - ^chat npcid:14 targets:<player.location.find.players.within[5]> "<yellow>So yer gonna have to...accidentally fall of this bridge."
    - wait 4
    - playsound location:<player.location> sound:VILLAGER_DEATH  pitch:0.8
    - ^teleport location:47,67,38,world
    - wait 3
    - ^teleport location:47,67,55,world
    - teleport n@Dread location:45,67,73,world