Paste #79518: Untitled Paste

Date: 2021/01/08 08:55:53 UTC-08:00
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Giant how-to-support-users flowchart / guidance:

-> User asked a question...
    -> It's a feature request:
        -> 1: Is it actually a feature request? It might be a poorly described bug reported. If so, move to "it's a bug"
        -> 2: Is it already a feature that exists? If so, tell them how to do it [End]
        -> 3: Is it possible to add?
            -> Yes, it can be added to Citizens or Sentinel: Suggest they post an `!issue` [End]
            -> Yes, it can be added to Denizen: Suggest they ping mcmonkey about it [End]
            -> Yes, it can be added to a third-party project: Suggest they go contact that project's support [End]
            -> No, it can't be added: Tell them that it can't be added [End]
            -> Not sure: ping monkey or someone dev-ish about it [End]

    -> It's a bug:
        -> 1: Is it a known bug that was fixed recently or is clearly just a versions problem? If so, tell them to update.
        -> 2: Is it a known bug that has gotten a good official response previously? If so, redirect them to that prior response (message link ideal, or copy/paste, or rephase yourself)
        -> 3: Is it actually an intentional feature? If so, move to "Asking how to do a thing" with the thing being how to change that behavior
        -> 4: Request a log (`!log @username`). IMPORTANT: Once you request a log, do not proceed until they post one. Then:
            -> 1: use `!logcheck`
            -> 2: Are any red flags shown? If so, `@ModBot cracked @username`. [End]
            -> 3: Are they running 1.8? If so, `!1.8 @username` [End]
            -> 4: Are they running a version that is unsupported by the plugin in question (at time of writing, <1.14 for Denizen, or <1.12 for Citizens)? If so, tell them that their build is outdated/unsupported and they need to update. Until they have an updated version, [End].
            -> 3: Can you find the source of the problem by looking at the logs (eg mistyped command, clearly conflicting plugin, very old version, bad sub-version of Minecraft, loading failure, server version is git-Bukkit, ...)? If so, point out the problem source. If fixing that problem source solves it for them, [End], otherwise continue.
            -> 4: Are there any yellow warning symbols shown? If so, tell them to fix those. If fixing that solves it, [End], otherwise request a new log, get a new logcheck, and go back to '1' under 'request a log'.
            -> 5: Are there any likely plugin conflicts suggested by logcheck, or are they running an unsupported server version? If so, tell them to test on a more supportable configuration (remove conflicting plugins, try on Paper/Spigot, etc). If solved, [End], otherwise continue.
            -> 6: Are they running a variety of unrelated plugins? If so, `!pluginconflict`. If they resolve it and identify what plugin caused it, please notify mcmonkey so it can be added to potential conflicts list, and [End]. If not resolved, get a log from a clean server and return to '1' OR continue.
            -> 7: At this point the bug is sufficiently likely to be a real standing bug in the plugin, so:
                -> If possible/willing, test to replicate yourself. If you get lost, ask the user for replication steps or an MCVE. If you can't replicate, tell the user you can't recreate it and suggest they test on an empty new local-test-server. If they can't replicate it, suggest they do more testing of possible plugin conflicts/gamerule settings/etc.
                -> If you could replicate yourself or weren't able to test at the time, suggest the bug be reported officially. If Citizens or Sentinel, `!issues`. If Denizen, ping mcmonkey.

    -> Asking how to do a thing:
        -> If you know exactly how to do the thing: Tell them how to do it [End].
        -> If you're not sure what they're asking to do: Ask for clarification, then restart flowchart.
        -> If you see what they mean but don't know how to do it:
            -> Search documentation or channel history as applicable. If you find a clear good answer, show the user the answer. [End]
            -> If you can't find a good answer and don't already know it... remain silent. Let somebody else answer. [End]