#Violet Server World Scripts v0.00001 #By TheGeek007 #9-7-14 VioletWorldScript: type: world events: on server start: #set a server flag a list of naughty words - flag server naughtywords:fuck|shit|damn|pussy|cunt|bitch|nigger|ass|dick|penis #to add a naughty word /ex flag server naughtywords:->:word #to remove a naughty word /ex flag server naughtywords:<-:word on player chat: - foreach { if { - announce "[Officer Jenny]- Offensive words aren't allowed on our server, !" - burn duration:5 - announce "Officer Jenny's Growlithe used Fire Spin on for Bad Language!" } } - ].with[***]> on player uses portal: #Makes players not able to use portals AT ALL!!! (YAY!) - determine CANCELLED on portal created: - announce "A portal has been created at in world for reason !"