Paste #9891: MasterChef

Date: 2014/09/20 22:20:09 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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#                          M a s t e r C h e f   N P C 
#                           Feed those hungry denizens
#   Author: |Anthony|
#   Version: 0.1
#   dScript Version: 0.9.5-b1522
  type: assignment
  debug: false

    on assignment:
      - run locally assignment instantly
    on spawn:
      - run locally spawn instantly
    on despawn:
      - run locally despawn instantly
    on click:
      - run locally click instantly
    on damage:
      - run locally damage instantly
    on chat:
      - inject locally chat instantly

    - trigger name:chat state:true
    - trigger name:click state:true
    - trigger name:proximity state:false
    - trigger name:damage state:true
    - vulnerable state:false
    - lookclose true range:5 realistic
#    - flag npc respawn_location:<npc.location>
#    - flag npc Pathfind.FidgetPathMaterial:<>
#    - flag npc Pathfind.FidgetHeight:1
    - inject locally spawn instantly

    - chat "Alright, time to start work..." no_target
#    - run s@Fidget id:<>_fidgetQueue

    - chat "Phew... I<&sq>m glad to be done work for the day!" no_target

    - chat "Why would you do that?" no_target

    - if <npc.has_flag[following]> {
      - if <npc.flag[following][==].to[<player>]> {
        - follow stop
        - if <queue.exists[Following_<>]> queue queue:Following_<> stop
        - chat "Ok. I<&sq>ll wait right here..."
        - flag npc following:!
        - queue stop
        else {
        - chat "I<&sq>m a little busy right now..."
        - queue stop
      else {
      - flag npc following:<player>
      - run locally follow id:Following_<>

    - if !<npc.flag[following].as_player.is_online> {
      - flag npc following:!
      - follow stop
      - queue stop
    - follow target:<npc.flag[following].as_player>
    - wait 5s
    - inject locally follow

    - if <npc.has_flag[following]> {
      - chat "I<&sq>m a little busy right now following <npc.flag[following]>..."
      - queue stop
    - define options li@fridge|grill|sink|prep
    - define equipment '<c.message.split[ ].get[1].escaped>'
    - define range '<c.message.split[ ].get[2].escaped||15>'
    - if !<def[range].is[MATCHES].to[number]> {
      - chat "Hey, that<&sq> s not a number!"
    - if '<def[options].contains[%equipment%]>' {
      - inject locally find%equipment% instantly
      else {
      - chat "I don<&sq>t know anything about that."
      - queue stop
    - if <def[locations].is_empty> {
      - chat "I couldn<&sq>t find the %equipment%."
      - queue stop
    - chat "I found <def[locations].size.as_int> %equipment%."
    - ~walk <npc> <def[locations].random.as_location> 'speed:0.6' 'radius:2.0'
    - chat "Ok, I made it to the %equipment%."

  # The Fridge is 2 ironblocks tall with a stone button on the front of the top block
    - define ironBlocks <npc.location.find.blocks[iron_block].within[%range%]||null>
    - if <def[ironBlocks].is[!=].to[null]>
      && !<def[ironBlocks].is_empty> {
      - define locations li@
      - foreach %ironBlocks% {
        - define iron '%value%'
        - if <def[iron][!=].to[m@iron_block]||true> foreach next

        - define east '<def[iron].add[1,0,0]>'
        - define west '<def[iron].add[-1,0,0]>'
        - define north '<def[iron].add[0,0,1]>'
        - define south '<def[iron].add[0,0,-1]>'
        - define cardinals li@east|west|north|south

        - foreach %cardinals% {
          - define location '<def[%value%]>'

          - if <def[location][==].to[m@stone_button]>
            && <def[location].sub[0,1,0][==].to[m@air]>
            && <def[location].sub[0,2,0].material.is_solid> {
            - define locations <def[locations].include[<def[location].below>]>

  # The Grill is a trapdoor over fire
    - define fireBlocks <npc.location.find.blocks[m@fire].within[%range%]||null>
    - if <def[fireBlocks].is[!=].to[null]>
      && !<def[fireBlocks].is_empty> {
      - define locations li@
      - foreach %fireBlocks% {
        - define fire '%value%'
        - if <def[fire][!=].to[trap_door]||true> foreach next

        - define east '<def[fire].add[1,0,0]>'
        - define west '<def[fire].add[-1,0,0]>'
        - define north '<def[fire].add[0,0,1]>'
        - define south '<def[fire].add[0,0,-1]>'
        - define cardinals li@east|west|north|south

        - foreach %cardinals% {
          - define location '<def[%value%]>'

          - if <def[location].material.is_solid>
            && <def[location][==].to[m@air]>
            && <def[location].add[0,2,0][==].to[m@air]> {
            - define locations <def[locations].include[%location%]>

  # The sink is a Cauldron full of water with a tripwire hook above
    - define cauldronBlocks <npc.location.find.blocks[cauldron,3].within[%range%]||null>
    - if <def[cauldronBlocks].is[!=].to[null]>
      && !<def[cauldronBlocks].is_empty> {
      - define locations li@
      - foreach %cauldronBlocks% {
        - define cauldron '%value%'
        - if <def[cauldron][!=].to[m@tripwire_hook]||true> foreach next

        - define east '<def[cauldron].add[1,0,0]>'
        - define west '<def[cauldron].add[-1,0,0]>'
        - define north '<def[cauldron].add[0,0,1]>'
        - define south '<def[cauldron].add[0,0,-1]>'
        - define cardinals li@east|west|north|south

        - foreach %cardinals% {
          - define location '<def[%value%]>'

          - if <def[location][==].to[m@air]>
            && <def[location][==].to[m@air]>
            && <def[location].below.material.is_solid> {
            - define locations <def[locations].include[%location%]>

  # The Prep station is the top half stone slab
    - define prepBlocks <npc.location.find.blocks[stone_slab_up].within[%range%]||null>
    - if <def[prepBlocks].is[!=].to[null]>
      && !<def[prepBlocks].is_empty> {
      - define locations li@
      - foreach %prepBlocks% {
        - define prep '%value%'
        - if <def[prep][!=].to[m@air]||true> foreach next

        - define east '<def[prep].add[1,0,0]>'
        - define west '<def[prep].add[-1,0,0]>'
        - define north '<def[prep].add[0,0,1]>'
        - define south '<def[prep].add[0,0,-1]>'
        - define cardinals li@east|west|north|south

        - foreach %cardinals% {
          - define location '<def[%value%]>'

          - if <def[location][==].to[m@air]>
            && <def[location][==].to[m@air]>
            && <def[location].below.material.is_solid> {
            - define locations <def[locations].include[%location%]>

  # The oven is a furnace

  # The Stove is a furnace with a stone pressure plate on top