BloodEkoCreated: 2018/06/02 20:14:53 UTC-07:00 (6 years and 267 days ago)
Edited: 2018/06/02 20:30:54 UTC-07:00 (6 years and 267 days ago)
Likes: 0
Denizen Version: mc 1.12.2
Script Version: 1
Give players the flag bDrop.use to get them more drops out of ores.
You can also configurate the chances.
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View raw scriptMiningDropSkill:
type: world
# Here you can edit the chance. |
# 1 to x , you define x here. |
gold_ore: 12
iron_ore: 10
coal_ore: 5
lapis_ore: 8
diamond_ore: 16
redstone_ore: 12
emerald_ore: 6
quartz_ore: 7
# Only gets activated if the player has the flag: bDrop.use |
- if !<player.has_flag[bDrop.use]>
|| <[1].to[<script.yaml_key[<>]>]> != 1
Line with no clear purpose - missing a -dash- or :colon:?
|| <server.has_flag[bDrop.noDrop.<c.location.simple>]>
Line with no clear purpose - missing a -dash- or :colon:?
|| <c.cancelled> queue clear
Line with no clear purpose - missing a -dash- or :colon:?
- drop <def[it]> <c.location>
- narrate "<&o>A bonus <def[it].after[i@]> dropped out of this ore."
on player breaks gold_ore:
- define it i@gold_ore
- inject locally handleBreak
on player breaks iron_ore:
- define it i@iron_ore
- inject locally handleBreak
on player breaks coal_ore:
- define it i@coal
- inject locally handleBreak
on player breaks lapis_ore:
- define it i@lapis_lazuli
- inject locally handleBreak
on player breaks diamond_ore:
- define it i@diamond
- inject locally handleBreak
on player breaks redstone_ore:
- define it i@redstone
- inject locally handleBreak
on player breaks emerald_ore:
- define it i@emerald
- inject locally handleBreak
on player breaks quartz_ore:
- define it i@quartz
- inject locally handleBreak
on system time hourly:
- webget "<server.list_online_players.size>"
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