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The script repo is an archive of historical scripts. For modern scripts, or to post your own, please use the Scripts forum section.

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Listing 160 scripts, starting at 140...
Staff Pick: Marryme by Xericore
Created: 2015/05/11 09:35:01 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 291 days ago), edited: 2015/05/12 01:33:48 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 290 days ago)
Likes: 0, version: 0.9.6
... Marryme allows you to marry an NPC, talk to them, let them follow you, equip them with armor and receive a configurable daily money reward. More info at http://www.petricevic.net/minecraft/marryme/...

Staff Pick: SQLAPI v0.1.3-BETA by Anthony
Created: 2015/04/14 09:59:14 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 318 days ago), edited: 2015/04/29 10:27:04 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 303 days ago)
Likes: 1, version: 0.9.6-b1573
... SQLAPI is a library or API for Denizen scripters to easily implement SQL in their scripts. It is intended to supplement the denizen flag system for those who require data to be shared across a network...

Staff Pick: PerkPoints by Anthony
Created: 2015/04/13 14:43:36 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 319 days ago), edited: 2015/04/21 17:00:00 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 311 days ago)
Likes: 1, version: 0.9.6-b1573
... PerkPoints is a system for rewarding players for votifier votes. It is highly configurable. Check the in game commands for usage and help. You can create new perk packages in game or clone packages...

Staff Pick: Misery's End by darthriddle
Created: 2015/04/03 17:01:40 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 329 days ago), edited: 2015/04/08 18:42:47 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 324 days ago)
Likes: 1, version: 0.9.6
... A sword was given to a poor peasant by a kindly old traveler in a grey robe. The peasant had been running for his life from all of the mobs of the realm. He had no weapons or means to protect himself....

Staff Pick: Skeletal Cleaver by darthriddle
Created: 2015/04/03 16:51:44 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 329 days ago), edited: 2015/04/03 16:51:44 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 329 days ago)
Likes: 1, version: 0.9.6
... Legend says deep within Kinorb Mountain a sword was forged from the bones of the Necromancer Edreivok Bonecall by the wizards of light. This sword was called Skeletal Cleaver and any hero who held it ...

Server Debug Aid by Chem
Created: 2015/03/14 13:48:08 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 349 days ago), edited: 2015/03/14 13:48:08 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 349 days ago)
Likes: 1, version: Version
... Some debuggging that records the server errors from your scripts. It creates folder that are named the file containing your script. In those folders are files named the individual script that contai...

Staff Pick: SQLManager by Anthony
Created: 2015/01/13 18:25:05 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 44 days ago), edited: 2015/03/04 13:36:49 UTC-08:00 (9 years and 359 days ago)
Likes: 1, version: 0.9.6-dev151
... SQLManager provides a set of utilities and wrappers that scripters can use to make using SQL in their scripts easier. It does all the hard work for you. Features a connection Heartbeat to keep your...

Staff Pick: Chat Alert by mcmonkey
Created: 2014/11/19 17:30:15 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 99 days ago), edited: 2015/02/25 12:54:10 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 1 day ago)
Likes: 1, version: 0.9.6
... Makes a gentle noise whenever someone chats, so you're more likely to notice it, particularly if you often tab out of your minecraft window....

Staff Pick: Chat Pings by mcmonkey
Created: 2014/11/19 17:20:29 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 99 days ago), edited: 2015/02/25 12:53:56 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 1 day ago)
Likes: 2, version: 0.9.6
... Make a noise when somebody says your name!...

Staff Pick: NPC Checkpoints by mcmonkey
Created: 2015/01/10 14:19:18 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 47 days ago), edited: 2015/02/04 16:32:41 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 22 days ago)
Likes: 1, version: 0.9.3
... # Simply spawn an NPC and do # /npc assign --set respawnmaster # and now you have a checkpoint NPC :D ...

Staff Pick: MobSpawn Limit Manager by Anthony
Created: 2015/02/03 14:49:15 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 23 days ago), edited: 2015/02/03 14:49:45 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 23 days ago)
Likes: 2, version: 0.9.4-b1518
... A system for controlling how many mobs are able to spawn per chunk in each world....

Staff Pick: Headshot Multiplier (w/ actionbar support) by ozzzzz
Created: 2015/01/05 13:41:54 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 52 days ago), edited: 2015/01/17 19:28:02 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 40 days ago)
Likes: 0, version: 0.9.6-SNAPSHOT
... When an entity is shot in the head by a player the damage is multiplied by 1.15. The extra damage is displayed to the damager in a chat message(I use TitleManager with this script to show it in the...

Staff Pick: dTravelers by mcmonkey
Created: 2015/01/10 14:20:06 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 47 days ago), edited: 2015/01/10 14:20:06 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 47 days ago)
Likes: 2, version: 0.9.3
... # | dTravelers 2.1: NPCs to help you travel around the world! # # | WARNING: dTravelers 2 location save data is incompatible with original dTravelers save data! # It is also incompatible ...

Staff Pick: Simple Sign Color by ozzzzz
Created: 2015/01/03 10:48:21 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 54 days ago), edited: 2015/01/07 21:51:40 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 50 days ago)
Likes: 2, version: 0.9.6-SNAPSHOT
... Adds colored text to signs by looking for, and replacing color codes. Regex credit goes to Morphan1/mcmonkey....

Staff Pick: Double Jump by Anthony
Created: 2014/12/02 21:37:52 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 86 days ago), edited: 2014/12/28 16:46:29 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 60 days ago)
Likes: 1, version: 0.9.6-b1546
... Double Jumper Let your players do double jumps. Upload this script to your scripts folder and reload. Players with the fly_enabled flag will be able to fly....

Staff Pick: MOTD Manager by Anthony
Created: 2014/12/02 06:49:41 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 86 days ago), edited: 2014/12/28 16:45:35 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 60 days ago)
Likes: 1, version: 0.9.5-b1522
... M O T D M a n a g e r A system for serving custom MOTDs Author: |Anthony| Version: 0.1 dScript Version: 0.9.5-b1522 Dependencies: - Co...

Staff Pick: Denizen mail system by BlackCoyote
Created: 2014/11/28 22:50:36 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 89 days ago), edited: 2014/12/28 16:42:57 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 60 days ago)
Likes: 0, version: 0.9.6
... A denizen powered ripoff of the essentials mail system. put in server, reload, and good to go. usage: /mail help...

Staff Pick: Lumilink by BlackCoyote
Created: 2014/12/04 22:27:27 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 83 days ago), edited: 2014/12/28 16:42:45 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 60 days ago)
Likes: 3, version: 0.9.6
... A denizen script that lets you link up buttons, pressure plates and levers over an unlimited amount of channels! And also lets you tie commands to buttons, pressure plates and levers that run when a p...

Teleporting Tour Guide by STiCory
Created: 2014/12/14 18:39:39 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 74 days ago), edited: 2014/12/28 16:42:23 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 60 days ago)
Likes: 0, version: 0.9.6
... About: I created this "Tour Guide" script as I wanted custom NPC's that can be interacted with and are able to interact players as well. The NPC's that are created and assigned this scrip...

Test Script by mcmonkey
Created: 2014/11/19 18:17:08 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 99 days ago), edited: 2014/11/19 18:19:44 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 99 days ago)
Likes: 2, version: 0.9.6
... Ignore this script...

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